Fantastic 3/4
Year 3-4
Term 2 Week 8
What have we been up to?
Over the past few weeks, students have continued to read a variety of information reports; including scientific reports, guidebooks, newspaper articles, documentaries and reference texts. They investigated key facts to identify the purpose of the text, analysed the language features commonly found in information reports and developed appropriate topic sentences.
In writing, students wrote an information report on platypuses. The prior week students chose subtopics on the platypus which were of interest to them (such as life cycle, diet, habitat, appearance, etc.) and researched their own information using the computer. Students used their researched information to create very descriptive, informational brochures.
In Maths, students have been learning about and applying different multiplication strategies to multiply numbers 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9. Students have been practising learnt strategies to solve multiplication problems through games and fun activities. Students have been working on their multiplication game which they will be presenting in Week 9.
In Science, students identified and observed features and characteristics of living things. They used these observable features to classify living things into groups, just like taxonomists!
In Inquiry, students have been investigating how climate influences the ecosystem. They analysed the vegetation and animals found in temperate grasslands and mapped areas of temperate grasslands around the world. Students worked in groups to create an information poster, demonstrating their understanding.
Just a few reminders for our students and families:
- Library has started. Students attend a library session with their class once a week. 3/4A borrows and returns books every Tuesday, 3/4B borrows and returns books every Monday and 3/4C borrows and returns books every Wednesday.
- Movie rehearsal day will happen every Tuesday. It is really important that students are at school for these sessions with Bruce, our movie director. Movie production payments due Friday 24th of June 2022.
- Homework for Term 2. Each week on Monday, students will bring home their homework. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their 8 chosen words, read for 20 minutes a night, and complete 1-3 My Numeracy activities, as well as an Essential Reading task. Please have students bring in their purple homework folder every Friday.
- School finishes at 2:30pm Friday the 24th of June
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.
What is coming up?
Reading/Writing - In the last two weeks of school students will be choosing an animal of their choice to write an information report presenting on a platform of either Powerpoint, a brochure or poster. In Maths, students will continue creating their multiplication board games and learning division strategies. In Science, students will be wondering about the world in relation to plants and animals. They will be sorting out the differences between plants and animals based on the characteristics of each one. Finally, in Inquiry the students will be learning about the importance of the environment to animals and people and the ways in which they can be protected.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks: