

Year 11

What is the subject about?

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Modern history studies social, political, economic and cultural change in the later part of the 19th Century and the first half of the 20th Century. Students discover how individuals, ideas and movements shaped the developments which have defined the modern world. This subject explores: the end of empires and the emergences of modern states. Causes and consequences of the world wars. The conflicts of the second half of the 20th century including the cold war, wars of decolonisation and the war on terror. Finally, the political and social events which challenged and changed the world order. 



Unit 1: Change and conflict

Unit 2: The changing world order 

Skills you will develop

  • Ask historical questions and explore cause and consequence
  • Analyse sources as evidence
  • Identify different historical interpretations
  • Explain social, political, economic and cultural feature and changes.
  • Evaluate historical significants and construct arguments


  • Evaluate historical sources 
  • Essay 
  • Short and extended responses 
  • Historical inquiry 

"History brings further depths of understanding to how modern day society has been curated, and what exactly goes into different parts of that society. Whether it be through how ecological routes and areas were first founded and observed in the ancient times, yet still remain just as relevant in data and hold the same truth to it, or simply through wondering how something like political systems originated far back into the Greek times, but yet are still widely used and accepted as systems today. History allows us to look back and learn from the past, but apply the knowledge to the present."

Zephyr James



Studying Modern History can lead to the following careers

  • Journalist 
  • Author 
  • Screenwriter 
  • Politician 
  • Activist 
  • Teacher 


Completed CORE history units 


If you are interested in this subject please see Mr Jenkins.


Video overview of 20th Century History 1 and 2 for Year 11