Vocational Major Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week our Year 11 students visited the Victorian Tunnelling Centre at Chisholm. During the day, students toured both the Holmesglen Victorian Tunnelling Centre and the Holmesglen Chadstone Campus.
Students experienced the following:
- Pathway information related to a range of courses (Certificate, Diploma & Bachelor Degree)
- Faculty and industry opportunities
- Victorian job opportunities
- VR experience: safety induction and virtually go underground to a work site
- AR experience: watching a virtual TBM machine in 3D with AR goggles
- Sim experience: excavator simulator
Year 12 students please see Compass for information regarding the Holocaust excursion on the 22nd May which will also require consent. This recursion is also free.
Our Year 12 students have been busy working with school council in order to get their Community Impact Projects approved. This requires students to select an organisation to partner with in order to give back to the community. We have students working with the Salvation Army, collecting donations, and running internal and external programs with other students. Stay turned for more information on how these progress.
One project is the Winter Coat Drive. If you have any old but good quality coats please consider donating them.
On 6th June the Year 11 students will be running a Careers Expo for the Year 12 students based on their VET and work placement. This is a great opportunity for students to develop their industry knowledge and communication skills as their progress into their final year of schooling.
All students should please keep in mind that final work for Semester 1 us due on the 9th June in order to receive a pass for Unit 1 / Unit 3
All students should now have found a work placement for a Wednesday or a Friday. EMC staff have begun to make phone calls to work placements to check in with the employers to ensure our students are getting the required support. Students who have not returned their SWL forms will be required at school each Friday. During this time they will be allocated to classes and will have time to complete overdue work as well as meet with their mentor teacher who can assist them to find a work placement. Mentor teachers may help the students brainstorm where they might go as well as write a script to call a potential employer. They may also help them to look on the SWL portal for any opportunities that the school might have access to.
Extra, Extra Read All About It!
We have opportunities galore for your students looking for a career in Bricklaying.
Bricklaying you say, yes that’s correct Bricklaying.
In today’s climate there are so many vacancies and not enough employees. We are seeing shortages all over the construction sector and bricklaying is on top of our list.
Do you have any students looking for a SBAT? Any school leavers looking for a full-time job?
If so, this could be for them.
Bricklaying is one of only two structural construction trades with a pathway to becoming a builder.
Earn while you learn by engaging in this 3-year apprenticeship.
This industry is not just for the guys, the girls are just as necessary. So, if you believe this is a career for you, then look no further. Let us know.
Contact me, Kylie Martin 0428 230 886 or martink@sarinarusso.com.au