Teaching and Learning in Prep H

Hello from Prep H!


We have really loved being back in the classroom this term and have enjoyed seeing our friends and trying some new things.

In Maths we have been looking at different ways to make numbers. We built ‘houses’ that had 5 rooms with 2 colours to see all the different designs we could make. 


We learnt that that 5 can be:


1 & 4

2 & 3

1 & 1 & 1 & 2

1 less than 6

1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1

3 & 1 & 1

And so many more!


We have learnt how to play Race to Ten, and have been working on playing fairly by rolling the dice for our partners turn! This has also helped us to view numbers in different ways.


Our number talks have shown us how we all see numbers differently:

We have also explored some shapes outside. We went on a number hunt around the school to see what shapes we could find in our environment. We were so surprised at how many we could find!