Year 7 Book Cover Competition

At the end of term 1, our Year 7 students undertook a workshop led by the Library team on designing front covers for texts that they have read. The workshops culminated in our highly esteemed Year 7 Book Cover Competition. The winners were announced at our award presentation morning tea on Tuesday 23rd May. With many impressive designs showing not just an eye for detail but great insight about the interplay between narrative and design, the competition was fierce. 


Judged by our principal, Ms Foster, the calibre of the work made her job very difficult. Please find below the honourable mentions, winners, people’s choice award and Library team award recipients. The English Domain would like to congratulate all Year 7s on their contributions and thank the Library team and Ms Foster.


1st Place

Nico Carter-Moharic

Nico Carter-Moharic
Nico Carter-Moharic

2nd Place

Bella Tran

Rose McMahon

Bella Tran
Rose McMahon
Bella Tran
Rose McMahon

Honourable Mentions

Ezo Ozen

Charlotte Tran

Murat Ozen

Nitol Yu

Chelsea Nguyen

Poppy Lea Hill


Library Award

Tong Guan


People’s Choice

Eve Chung


Veronica Sanders - Student Excellence Program Coordinator & Assistant English Domain Head