Middle Sub-School Update

On behalf of the Middle Sub-Schools, we would like to congratulate all our students on their strength and participation during Term 2. It has been an impressive start to the year with a high degree of effort being put in by students to support each other in a range of events and activities. Highlights for the term include 3 x Year 8 Camps to Merricks Lodge, Junior Interschool Sport Days, strong support of lunchtime activities, Performing Arts Evenings, Year 9 Galileo trails, and subject specific excursions and competitions. A wide range of students have been enriching their school experience and creating a sense of value within our school community.   

Thanks to our Middle Sub-School Leaders

Our sub-school teams would like to share a special vote of thanks to our hard working Middle School Leaders who have run a number of assemblies, participated in student focus groups, supported student-led initiatives, and promoted cross-age activities throughout the school. These individuals have advocated for important causes, with their efforts not only enhancing the student experience but also inspiring their peers to strive for excellence. The passion, drive, and ability to bring people together have created a powerful ripple effect, empowering others to discover their own potential and make a difference.  

Supporting Healthy Online Habits

This term, Year 7 students have participated in Project Rocket workshops designed to support healthy online habits. These workshops focused on empowering students to create a culture that challenges bullying, online and in person. Throughout the Rally Program, students were equipped with socially credible strategies to take action and unite together, instead of standing by. 

To further support healthy online habits, our sub-school teams would like to share a number of resources available to support parents in understanding and managing challenging online behaviors. The Australian Government provides resources to guide parents in making informed decisions. https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents. The eSafety Guide which is designed to support students with simply explained information about the latest games, apps, and social media platforms. This website is a fantastic resource designed to help parents understand and identify age-appropriate online behaviors: https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-issues/esafety-guide 

These resources go a long way toward supporting your student in engaging positively online.

Sub-School Reminders for Parents:

Arrival to school - students should aim to arrive at UHS campus at 8.30am. This will enable enough time to transition to their lockers, deposit their mobile phones and bags, and then prepare themselves for their first classes for the day.


Sub-Schools Support - students are encouraged to visit their sub-school if they need support with day-to-day activities. There are also a range of supports that can be provided for students by their year level coordinators. Common areas for support are: friendships, organization, digital literacy, wellbeing, homework, and finding lost materials. It would be great if parents could encourage their students to make regular contact with their respective coordinator. 


Student Cards - are now being used to access facilities on site. If students have misplaced their 2023 cards or have yet to receive one then they should visit their respective sub-school.


Join a breaktime Club - UHS has a wider variety of student run clubs on offer during the school day. Students can see what is on offer at this site: https://sites.google.com/view/uhsec2022/home 


We hope that all families have a restful break and look forward to supporting middle school students in Term 3.


Paul Rogers, Belinda Howard, Aldo Marotta, and Annie Holland - Heads of Middle Sub-Schools