Year 10 Critical Thinking and Research

Research Methods & Cane Toads: A personal experience

Critical Thinking and Research is a semester class available to students transitioning into year 10. The subject prepares students to be able to compose exceptional research questions, analyse a variety of data and learn how to effectively use databases to identify credible sources for their research purposes. This is to equip students with valuable knowledge so they can formulate their own research inquiries in future subjects. My time in this class has nearly reached its end, yet I have never learned such a wealth of information regarding research methods.


For the past term, my CTR class has been producing and fine-tuning their research inquiries, studying variations of data and analysing transcripts. 


My research inquiry concerning the devastating impact of cane toads on Australia’s native environment and wildlife came into sharp focus when travelling to Bribie Island in Queensland over the recent holidays. One evening after supper, my family unexpectedly stumbled upon two cane toads swimming in my grandmother’s fish pond. With the information I had compiled from my research, I was able to capture both toads and humanely dispose of them.


Cane toads are a significantly overpopulated pest species located in over 50% of Queensland, the Northern territory and even regions of New South Wales. They endanger native wildlife with their ever-growing populations and threaten indigenous predators with their highly noxious poison. They cannot be killed by disease, or by any endemic predator species in Australia. This makes them a considerable threat to the natural ecosystems of Northern Queensland and other affected states. The only way to cull them is by manual capture then freezing. This is considered the most humane way to eliminate cane toads, however, this method only has a 75% success rate. All callous techniques of cane toad removal are illegal in acknowledgement of animal cruelty prevention rules.


Critical Thinking and Research is an exemplary semester course to take in year 10, and is beneficial to those who are interested in composing their own research investigations in future VCE subjects or courses in University. I would advise that anyone interested in developing their personal research capabilities should look into CTR as one of their year 10 subjects.


Aly, a year 10 CTR student at The University High School