Principals Message

A vibrant Term 2

As you will see in this newsletter, UHS has been an active place in Term 2, with many opportunities for extension, challenge and engagement both in and out of the classroom. We've loved seeing our students shine on stage in a plethora of music, drama and dance performances; participate enthusiastically in the winter sports program; challenge themselves on camps; celebrate diversity on IDAHOBIT day; engage their voice in the Student Representative Council; and apply their learning creatively in a range of subjects.

A focus on pathways

The end of term has seen a focus for our Senior Students on their studies and future pathways. Our Year 10s and 11s have just finished their mid-year exams, with VCE-Vocational Major students undertaking additional work placements during this time. On Thursday 15 June, 510 students undertaking Unit 3/4 VCE subjects sat the General Achievement Test (GAT); and our 298 Year 9 students undertook their Morrisby Skills and Careers Assessment which will form the basis of their Career Action Plans. Year 10-12 students have benefited from study skills workshops and our Year 11s have had a week of activities focussed on Tertiary pathways and career options. Our Careers Website is full of events and information for students and families to assist in planning for the future.


We are also excited to begin the 2024 subject selection and pathways counselling process with our students. Year 10s all attended the VCE Subject Expo on June 19, and now have a comprehensive handbook to support their decision-making for Year 11. I encourage parents and carers to spend time over the holidays reading through this with your child. On 24 July, we will be running individual pathways counselling interviews with current Year 10 and 11 students and their parents and carers, to discuss subject preferences for 2024. Interview times will be assigned to students next term - please save the date!  


Year 9 students moving into Year 10 next year also have some exciting choices ahead of them. For 2024, we have modified our Year 10 subject structure to expand the choices and breadth for Year 10 students and to provide a richer foundation for Years 11 and 12. This has been informed by student feedback and by an analysis of the learning needs and pathways for our students. From 2024, all Year 10 students will undertake, as they do currently, a full year of core learning in English and Maths; with all other subjects running for a semester. Students will be required to undertake a minimum of one semester in each of the Learning Areas (Humanities, Health and Physical Education, the Arts, Science) and can then also supplement their program with additional subjects in their areas of passion. We are excited about the new offerings at Year 10, with choices ranging from Algorithms & Artificial Intelligence through to Furniture Design; Sport & Coaching; Global Issues; Critical Thinking and Research; Languages; and Space Science. Students have a digital copy of the Year 10 2024 handbook and are encouraged to spend time over the holidays reviewing this.


Year 9 students will undertake their subject and pathways counselling interviews, with parents/carers, on Tuesday 1 August.

Facilities update

Work is progressing on schedule to refurbish Level 2 of the South Building, restoring the three Science Labs and three classrooms that were lost in the 2021 fire. We anticipate having use of these spaces towards the end of Term 3. 


Future vision
The spaces before refurbishment
Floor plan
Making progress!
Future vision
The spaces before refurbishment
Floor plan
Making progress!


Some exciting additions as part of this project will be the installation of more than 120Kw of photovoltaic solar panels to support our energy use. This will be the equivalent of planting 1.5 trees for every student, every year. 


A further part of the scheduled work (likely to be completed after the classroom spaces) is the creation of 10 additional all-gender student toilets on the ground floor of the South Building, enabled by the relocation of an existing locker bay. This will be a much-needed enhancement of our current facilities to support our growing student numbers.


We are also progressing work to repair the structural issues identified in 2022 with the Sharman Hall, with that area now back at full capacity. We recently identified an issue with a chimney in our historic, heritage-listed Main Building: this has put some areas of the school temporarily out of action whilst it is rectified, including a block of student toilets which have been replaced with temporary toilets. We expect this work to commence over the school holidays and to be completed during Term 3. 

Invitation: Annual Public Meeting

Our Annual Public Meeting will be held on Monday 17 July 2023 from 6pm-7pm, via Zoom. At this meeting we will present our Annual Report 2022 and outline our current and future Strategic Plan goals and our progress towards them. We will also be providing an update on our renewed community vision and values which will be finalised shortly after extensive consultation. 


I warmly encourage all parents and carers to attend this meeting, and to join us in reviewing and celebrating our progress together as a school. To help us plan, please RSVP via this form by Wednesday 12 July. The Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees. 

Staffing updates

Coming into Term 3 we welcome back Sue Prosenica to the Assistant Principal team, after a term in an Acting Principal role at Princes Hill SC. Thank you to Liam Ahern who has filled Sue's role during her absence. We also welcome Justin Wischusen to the Acting Head of Johnston sub-school role for the first half of Term 3, whilst Paul Rogers is on leave.


Returning from leave are teaching staff Iman Ali, Lena-Jean Lamshed and Eleanor James; and we bid farewell and thank you to their replacing teachers including Lima Anjum and Miriam Rayment. We also farewell Angela Brain on a period of leave, and welcome her replacement, Dieter Tieman.


Despite the statewide staffing shortage and general workforce challenges, UHS has been lucky to fare better than many schools and has been able to fill all advertised positions this year. We are continuing to work on our recruitment and graduate support processes to maintain this position. 

Happy holidays!

Term 2 finishes at 2.30pm on Friday 23 June. We have a two-week break, with Term 3 commencing on Monday 10 July. I wish all of you a very relaxing, safe and enjoyable term break, and look forward to seeing everyone back in Term 3!


Ciar Foster - Principal