Year 8 Camp - Student Reflections

In Week 2 of Term 2 a class of each sub school in Year 8 took turns to go to Merrick’s Lodge for camp. 


The bus ride was about 1 hour and 20 minutes, so I slept most of the ride. We got to the campsite and everything was so green and it felt so good to take this time to have a little break from the city. 

Surfing was my favourite activity I’ve done on any camp. Since I had never done it before I was a little nervous, but I still tried my best. Being in the cold water and catching waves was so amazing and relaxing and it was so nice to have fun with my friends and not worry about anything else. The first thing I did after we got back from surfing was take a shower and let me just say that the showers were a little chilly but refreshing. 

Another part of the camp I enjoyed was our overnight hike. I loved camping outside because we watched the stars on the beach and were able to sleep in tents with our friends. We were also able to cook our own dinners on this weird metal device called a “trangia”. 


Overall this was a great camping experience and I can’t wait to see what is involved in the Year 9 camp to the Grampians next year.


Sienna Baluyot (8J1)