
By Paul Woodley

Technology Creations 

Pictured is a sculpture made in year 9 Systems. 

Micah has used his creativity and innovation skills to form a metal sculpture using recycled materials. 

Mr Woodley




A huge thank you to Officeworks Mentone for their donation of 3D Printing filament

We are thrilled to receive such a thoughtful contribution, as it will significantly enhance the learning experience of our tech-savvy students. The 3D printing filament donated will enable us to continue exploring the exciting world of additive manufacturing, empowering our students to bring their imaginative ideas to life. With this valuable resource, they will have the opportunity to develop essential skills, problem-solving abilities, and unleash their innovative potential.


The donations not only benefits our current students but also paves the way for future generations of technologists, designers, and engineers. By offering them access to cutting-edge technology like 3D printing, we are preparing them for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in a rapidly evolving digital world


Thank you to Officeworks Mentone!