From the Director of Primary

Melanie Sluyters

‘Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.’


The term has started with a flurry and that often evokes feelings of excitement and joy but also feelings of stress and worry for some of our students.  These negative emotions are often due to changes in routines, friendship breakdowns, changes to timetables and even the change of season and uniform can cause some to feel that things are just too hard.  


It is imperative that as a parent or guardian if you have any worries about your son or daughter and how they have settled into Term 2 that you encourage a conversation, listen to what they are worried about, provide strategies to work through, and if necessary please email their class teacher.  As the quote above says,‘change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.’

Welcome Back Everyone

On Wednesday 26 April the sounds of laughter resonated across the basketball court, in the classrooms and throughout the grounds as our Kinder to Year 6 students descended in droves.  This day also saw us welcome new students to a number of classes and with that new families as well to our amazing community.  We hope that you have managed to settle in and already feel at home here.  

Year 6 Excursion 

Last Wednesday our Year 6;s headed to the Theatre Royal to watch the play ‘The Carbon-Neutral of the Indefatigable Enviroteens’ as well as participate in a Q&A with the cast and crew of the production.  It was a fabulous opportunity to get an insight into the workings of a production like this. The girls also took home lessons on how they can help look after the environment and what actually some of the terminologies mean.  Thanks to the Year 6 staff for providing the students with this opportunity.  


On Thursday 27 April Years 2 - 6 gathered at the front of the College to take time to recognise and reflect on the sacrifices Australian and New Zealanders made and are still making in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping efforts around the world.  It was an opportunity for us as a Primary to say ‘Thank You’. 

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row, 

That mark our place: and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

- John McRae

Field Day

On Tuesday Kinder to Year 6 participated in Field Day.  This day is a fabulous opportunity for the College to come together and compete in cross country events, team building activities, cheering other classes on and being able to celebrate who we are as a College. The planning of the day, as you can imagine is massive and a huge thanks must go to the PE and IT Departments, especially Adele Larrett, Nikki Stuart and Simon Milne. 

Year 6 Canberra Information Evening 

A reminder to all Year 6 parents that the Canberra Information Evening is on TONIGHT at 7:00pm in the Drama Studio.  Students do not need to attend. 

Fire Safety 

Next week Kinder to Year 6 students will participate in a series of Fire Safety lessons with Drew Wilkinson from Tas Fire.  In the past these sessions have been invaluable for all students in assisting with drawing up fire plans for the home, reminding students about what to do in a fire and where is the safe point if they get separated.  It also acts as a great Q&A session for all our students.  The next edition of The View will include more information and photos to tell the full story.  

Mother’s Day 

Our next edition of The View will be after Mother’s Day so in celebration and recognition of mothers, aunties, grandmothers, and amazing women in a child’s life on behalf of the Primary schoolHappy Mother’s Day.

To My Mother

You too, my mother, read my rhymes

For love of unforgotten times,

And you may chance to hear once more

The little feet along the floor.


Robert Louis Stevenson


So who is in the Primary School?

Last term we invited staff to introduce themselves to the College community giving us a chance to get an insight into who they are and what makes them tick. This has been an absolute winner across our community and will start up again in our next edition of The View. Stay tuned to see who it will be next.