Student Success

JATNET Poster Competition

During Term 1, students in Years 1 – 6 planned, prepared and completed a poster to the theme of 2023 Year of the Rabbit for the annual JATNET (Japanese Teachers Network) Poster Competition.

We were thrilled to learn that Year 5 student, Isla Christie, was awarded first prize in the Grade5-6 category for her beautiful painting of two rabbits (usagi うさぎ) under a cherry blossom (sakura さくら) tree.

Students currently learning Japanese at schools across the state were encouraged to enter. Feedback from the judges was that the number and quality of entries was high, making judging quite difficult. 

Entries can be seen on the JATNET website:

Dancing Success

Congratulations to Year 6 Navy student, Bella Bomford, on her success at the recent Tasmanian Dance Expo. Bella was awarded the Rising Star Award for her pre-teen age division. 


This was followed by her successfully auditioning for a part in the Victorian State Ballet Company's production of the Snow Queen which will be performed at The Theatre Royal this June.