Principal's News

Be The Light

Selamat Pagi Holy Family Community!


This is my last newsletter writing to you as Acting Principal as we look forward to the arrival and commencement of our new Principal, Paul Sharp, at the start of Term 2.

I know from my conversations with Paul, that he is very much looking forward to undertaking his first principalship with us, and I trust that you will all welcome him with open arms.


Start of Term 2

Term 2 starts for all students on Wednesday, 26 April. We look forward to seeing our wonderful students return to school after their Easter holiday break.



We will have a Whole School Assembly to start the term on Wednesday 26th, at 8:45 am, where we will welcome Paul into the fabulous community of Holy Family. 

Please join us for assembly if you are free, and you can come and meet Paul for yourselves!


Anzac Day

We will commemorate ANZAC Day as a school community on Wednesday, 26 April, with a short flag-raising ceremony and acknowledgement, after playtime at 11:45 am.                                             


  Harmony Day

We are celebrating HARMONY DAY on Thursday, 27th April. 

Reminder: Children can wear their cultural clothes, orange, to symbolise harmony or casual clothes representing the colour of the flags of their heritage. 


You are welcome to join us for all or part of this day. We hope to see you there!



Year 6 Leaders

I want to congratulate the following Year 6 students who have been selected as the Holy Family Student Leaders for 2023:

  • Jessica Alexander
  • Blaze Davis
  • Bhelissa Kaur
  • Mercy Okot
  • Goai Pech
  • Richelle Shiby
  • Petar Topalovic
  • Lorianne Tuipea

We are confident that these students will lead our school strongly and proudly over the remainder of the school year. 


                                                 Commissioning Mass 

We will have a Whole School Commissioning Mass on Friday, 5 May, where we will commission our new Principal, Paul and our Year 6 Student Leaders.

You are welcome to join us for this liturgical celebration in Holy Family Church at 9:15 am. 

Please join us for morning tea in the staffroom after Mass.



Term 2 Curriculum Days

We have two school closures planned for this term:

  • Friday 12 May
  • Monday 15 May


Goodbye Mrs K

We sadly said goodbye to our Library Technician, Mrs K, who retired at the end of Term 2. Mrs K has been part of the Holy Family Community for over 15 years and will be missed by staff and students. She did an amazing job maintaining our library over the years to ensure that the Holy Family students had the opportunity to enjoy and foster a love of reading. 

We thank Dannie for her tireless commitment to and support of the students and staff at Holy Family and wish her all the best as she enjoys a well-deserved break in retirement.

Ibu Sanny will be taking the Library Technician role, continuing to ensure that the students have access to a wonderful variety of reading material.



And finally, as I sign off this newsletter, I would just like to thank the community of Holy Family for their patience, support, encouragement and guidance as I have navigated the waters of being a Principal for the last eight months.  

It has been an amazing experience, and I couldn’t have done it without such a supportive community behind me. So thank you kindly, and I look forward to seeing you all next term when I resume my role as Religious Education & Learning and Teaching Leader.


Pauline Moran

Acting Principal