Learning Space News

Well done on a fantastic start to Term 2. Students have settled back into the school routine seamlessly and have been happily sharing all their exciting adventures over the school holidays with their friends and teachers.
This term, students will be completing a variety of hands-on activities to build their knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond. This will involve learning to recognise and order numbers and to count forwards and backwards from different starting points. Students will also be identifying numbers before and after a particular number. Each morning, as students review their daily timetable, they will practise identifying the date, the days of the week and the months of the year. They will continue to count how many days they have been at school and are looking forward to celebrating their 100th day at school! Students will be learning about 2D shapes and their attributes. They will be asking each other yes/no questions to collect data.
In Reading, students will be focusing on the narrative text type, using the title and front cover of a book to make predictions about the story. They will be discussing the beginning, middle and end of stories and identifying the characters. In Writing, students will be learning to construct simple sentences using punctuation, including capital letters and full stops. They will also be focusing on their oral language skills through language experience activities to build their vocabulary.
Social and Emotional Learning
Students will be focusing on positive coping. They will be learning how to identify and manage emotions and learn what strategies work best for them to calm themselves down and develop a positive mindset.
This term students will be learning about cultural diversity through the exploration of different cultures and will compare the similarities and differences between them. The cultures the students will be exploring will include Cambodian, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Indonesian and Korean. They will also be exploring their own culture and their past through learning about their family history.
Yogi - School Wellbeing Dog
Students are looking forward to having Yogi in the learning space throughout this term. They will be able to spend time with Yogi to learn how to take care of a dog and how to keep him calm and relaxed.
Our learning space was painted over the holidays, with staff and students all excited to start Term 2 in our fresh new spaces.