From the Principal's Desk

WELCOME back everyone to another busy term at Athol Road Primary School. I trust that students and staff enjoyed a well-earned break.
This term, Athol Road Primary School welcomes:
- Speech Therapy student, Olivia Iro, who commenced this week. Olivia will be working alongside Ella Mechelen to provide identified students with speech support.
- Megan Rose, integration aide in Year 5/6.
- Hiranthi Alexander, integration aide in Year 3/4 and OSHC assistant.
I am excited to welcome Ms Nigro back to ARPS on Monday, 15th May after a term working as Acting Principal at another local school and a well-deserved break for the last three weeks. I know Ms Nigro is looking forward to seeing all the students and their families.
All children who are eligible to commence school in 2024 (turning 5 years old by 30th April 2024) need to be enrolled in their preferred government school by Friday, 28th July.
Athol Road Primary School is conducting school tours on Tuesday, 16th May at 10.00am and Wednesday, 17th May at 2.20pm. Booking is essential – contact the office on 9547 1224.
What’s happening in Term 2:
- All Year 4 – 6 students across the state will complete the Attitudes to School Survey which will provide valuable information to inform future decisions
- CANCELLED: The Mother’s Day/Special Person’s Breakfast has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Apologies for any inconvenience.
- Twilight School is fast approaching and staff and students are getting excited for what has always been a great day. A notice went home on Monday with every student, so parents/carers need to make sure that they read this notice carefully, especially that students should NOT arrive at school before 12.15pm and MUST have lunch before they come to school.
There will be a school concert from 5.30pm in the hall and all parents/carers are invited.
School finishes at 7.00pm. Parents are asked to PLEASE be at the school by 7.00pm to pick up their children as staff have families too and need to get home to them.
I would like to advise the school community that I will be taking Long Service Leave from Monday, 12th June to the end of Term 4, after which time, I will be officially retiring.
I have been at Springvale South/Athol Road Primary School for 36 years, filled a number of different positions and introduced many initiatives/improvements of which I am extremely proud. I consider the school to be my second home. While it will be sad to say goodbye, the time is right for me to pursue more leisurely activities.
On 16th June I will be travelling overseas for 12 weeks to visit my family in Northern Ireland. I have 5 brothers, 4 sisters and many, many nephews and nieces over there so will have a lot of catching up to do!
Ms Nigro will fill the Acting Principal position and Mrs Harkness will continue as Acting Assistant Principal until the Department of Education advertises the positions. I know that they will do an awesome job in taking the school to the next level. Carmel and Tawny share the school’s vision and, last year, led the development of the school’s new Strategic Plan which came into operation this year. I know that the school community will support them in way that I have been supported over the years.
Ruby Toombs: Principal