Teacher Feature

Miss Morrison - 1A

What is something you learned in the last week?

Did you know it’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open? Bet you will try this now. Amazing the random facts you can learn from Grade 1 students!


What is something that you do to relax and unwind?

I love going camping where I can relax, go for lots of hikes and walks, and read many books by the fire (with a glass of adult juice of course)!


What super power would you like to have?

I wish I could time travel, or be teleported to different stages of my life. 


What do you miss most about being a kid?

Everything! Playing out in the street until it was dark, not having to pay bills, someone else to cook and clean for me – shall I go on?


What are you most grateful for?

My 3 beautiful nieces – they are my world! 

Miss Lee - 56A

What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?

My favourite song of all time is Let My Love Open the Door – by Pete Townsend. It is a very old and upbeat song that makes me want to smile and dance every time I hear it. The lyrics lift me up. It’s on Spotify if you want to find it and have a listen. If you love it too, come and let me know.


What are you most afraid of and what's it stopping you from doing?

I am most afraid of birds and flying insects. It is called ornithophobia. It stops me from buying fish and chips and eating them on the beach because it attracts the seagulls. It also means that I don’t go into the Butterfly House or the aviary at the zoo. 


What is one word you would use to describe yourself as a child?



What do you miss most about being a kid?

I do miss many of the unique adventures that I experienced when I lived in Canada. My family moved to a remote town on the border of Alaska when I was just 5 and that was WILD! Literally wild – filled with bears, moose and wolves and so much snow for more than half of the year. I still miss the scenery - enormous mountains, narrow and heavily forested valleys and fast flowing, clear and crisp rivers.  Every day living there presented a challenge because the environment was so harsh. Even getting to school in winter was an adventure. My mum didn’t drive a car, so I would take my sled out the front door of my house and wait for the next skidoo to come past. I would have to do star jumps in my big snowsuit to keep myself warm while waiting. But, I wouldn’t have to wait long. A skidoo would come by and they would stop. I would hook the string of my sled onto the back of their machine and then get pulled to school. It was too cold to be outdoors for very long and this shortened the time spent outside for all the kids that lived in the town. Sometimes there would be a skidoo pulling a line of 4 sleds. The temperature would always be warmer at the end of the school day so I would walk home and pull my sled, jumping on to ride my sled down any little slopes I could find. It was the most unique place that I ever lived and I was very, very, very sad to leave it. 


What are you most grateful for?

I am most grateful for the exceptional people that I have in my life who make me laugh and feel loved - my own family, my school family and my wonderful friends.