Grade 1 Students 

Celebrating our outstanding Ones!

1A - Miss Morrison

In 1A, we had a Teddy Bears Picnic as part of our class reward system. We were able to bring in a bear for the day and we did lots of activities with them. We wrote about our bear, measured them with linking cubes, read ‘Were going on a bear hunt’ and of course we ate our lunch together. We had so much fun!


We have been practising our double facts – here we are playing ‘Busy Bee Doubles’. We had to roll a 10-sided die, double the number and then colour in a hexagon which had the answer. The first person to get 5 in a row was the winner!

1B - Miss Lou

Last week 1B worked on their bridging skills during Maths sessions - counting through to 10 utilising friends of 10 knowledge and counting on the remainder. Eva applied her friends of 10 knowledge beautifully while completing the activity below.

Eva L
Eva L


This week during Maths we revisited multiplication. Everyone in 1B had fun playing ‘Brick Multiplication’. Students had to role two dices - the first dice representing the number of groups and the second, the amount in each group. They then had to write it as a multiplication and a repeated addition sum. 

Kyle P
Kyle P
Kyle P
Kyle P

1C - Miss Wong

Grade 1s have worked on understanding the structure of narrative texts and have rewritten classic fairy tales. We have worked through the 5 stages of writing to plan, draft, revise, edit and publish. Here are some of our published pieces where we changed the characters of Little Red Riding Hood.  

Sophie B
Sophie B
Alex Z
Alex Z