A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Many thanks to Joel Brian for looking after the school so well while I had a week's Long Service Leave. Thanks to all the Staff who supported Joel.
Our Son Xavier was married to Annie Seccull on the 11th November and we were extremely fortunate to have had two beautiful sunny days at Moira Station, Mathoura where the wedding took place.
Swimming Program
Unfortunately, Aquamoves staff informed us that our Swimming Program and Fun day would have to be cancelled due to the floods and the pumps not working.
Teachers have been taking children outside each day for extra sport sessions which they have thoroughly enjoyed.
The teachers also have been having a competition at lunchtime against the Senior Students. Today it was Soccer and the teachers won this one, but certainly were very tired when they came in. Lot of children were watching and cheering on both teams.
We will have a fun sports day on Wednesday, 14th December. More information to follow.
This will be the students last day and will finish at normal time of 3.20pm. Our Staff have two Professional Development Days on Thursday and Friday.
New Adventure Playground
We are very excited to be able to have a new playground, to be operational at the start of School 2023.
Our Advisory Council and Staff were involved in choosing the equipment for the playground.
The images below are what our playground will look like. We are hoping that the company will start pulling out the old playground on Thursday, 15th December and have it ready for the new equipment to be put in early in the New Year.
We farewell Mark Almond, who has obtained a position at St. Anne's as a Visual Art Teacher, teaching Foundation to Year 4 and Years 7 to Years 10. Good luck in your new position Mark. We will be advertising this week.
End of Year Mass and Year 6 Graduation
We will be having our End of Year Mass with our School Students and School Community on Friday, 2nd December at 10.15am. The Mass will be held at St. Brendan’s Catholic Church with Father Joe Taylor (Parish Priest).
At this Mass, we will farewell our Year 6 students and present them with their Certificates.
Parents are welcome to join us for morning tea in the School Hall at the conclusion of Mass. Students will have lunch as normal. Year 6 students will celebrate their time at St Brendan's on their Retreat Day (Friday, December 9th).
For catering purposes, please advise if you are attending morning tea after Mass by completing this google formby Tuesday , 29th November.
Foundation Students for 2023
Tomorrow, Friday, 25th November we will have our Second Transition time for our new Foundation Students for 2023. They will attend from 9.15am to 11am.
Yours sincerely,
Paula Stevenson - Principal