Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we hosted former student Connie Weekes, as she undertook work experience at St Michael's. Connie has enjoyed the week working in classrooms with teachers and students. We hope you had a wonderful time Connie.


Also this week, Year 5 students have commenced the journey to leadership for the 2023 school year. Students who are aspiring to a leadership position will work over the coming weeks, preparing and delivering their speeches. We have a fine cohort of students in Year 5 and I look forward to the eventual outcome in a couple of weeks. We will keep you posted.


On Tuesday night, the P&F Association held the last meeting for the school year. A huge thankyou to our P&F Executive and members for committing time and energy to ensure that the children of St Michael's have a vibrant and well resourced environment in which to attend school. We have received confirmation this week that the school boundary will be fully enclosed with a fence over the Christmas break. Special thanks to the Diocese of Armidale for funding this much needed upgrade and to Fr Curran for supporting our submission. Once the boundary is complete, we will commence work on upgrading the internal fences, which be at expense to the school.


Staffing for 2023 is still underway and will be advised when complete. 

Enjoy a wonderful weekend.


Bronwyn Underwood