Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Learning Updates

In preparation for next week,  students that live outside the levy bank will have the opportunity to take home a learning pack and/or a Chromebook today. Kindergarten students have been given paper work-packs, while Stage 1-3 students will take a Chromebook home. 


Our learning packs will contain an overview of learning (simar to what we did during COVID). There will be activities posted on Google Classroom, and staff will be tasked with updating and responding to questions. There may also be other printed resources for students to practise skills already learned. 


St Joseph's will continue to operate with students in classes next week to cater to all students who live within the levee or are able to safely make it to school. There will be some staffing changes, depending on access to Wee Waa. That might mean that your son or daughter may have a different teacher than what they have on a normal day.


Living Well Learning Well


Since 2021, we have implemented the Living Well Learning Well Framework. This framework is in place across all schools within the Diocese of Armidale. 

The premise of this framework is:


“Where Catholic pastoral care is centred on a universal ethos of care and the work of a team of skilled, helpful adults is founded on evidence-based, high-impact approaches to improving conditions of learning, teaching, wellbeing and faith development for children and young people.”


In each newsletter, we wish to highlight different factors of the Living Well Learning Well Framework and approaches used within St Joseph’s Wee Waa.


One of the structures that have stemmed from the introduction of the Living Well Learning Well framework is the Rules for Living Flowchart. This flowchart is enacted when there is an unproductive choice made within the class. Within grades, we have been having deeper discussions about the flowchart and ensuring that all students understand the process.


St Joseph’s Wee Waa: School Advisory Council AGM

Next Tuesday 8 November we will be holding our School Advisory Council AGM. This will be held at St Joseph’s Primary School at 6.30 pm. 


If there are members or potential members isolated due to floodwaters we will have a zoom link available.


Family Funraiser

This is just a reminder that the P & F will be hosting a ‘Family Funraiser’ on Friday 18 November at the school, starting at 5:30 pm.


It is set to be a fun-filled night with a BBQ, Jumping Castle, Water Pistol Park, Jar Raffle, ‘Adopt an Envelope’, Ham Wheel, Choc Toss, Snow Cones, Nachos, and many more. The annual St Joseph’s P & F Raffle will also be drawn on this night.


Also, if you are able to volunteer your time on the night, even for only 30 minutes, it would be greatly appreciated!


Please select the stall you would like to help out with, click on Friday 18 November on the calendar, and book your availability via


Please note that the times 5:00 - 5:30 pm will be spent setting up, and 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm will be spent packing up.


Please see the following flyers for further information.

Annual Raffle

Please note that the St Joseph's P & F Annual Raffle is online this year! 


There are some fabulous summer family fun prizes up for grabs! 1st Prize is a Hark Chubby Offset Smoker valued at $1,150, 2nd Prize is a $500 BCF Gift Card and the 3rd Prize is an Essential Summer Bag Pack valued at $250.


Tickets can be purchased for $5 each, 5 tickets for $20, 10 tickets for $40, 15 tickets for $50, and 25 tickets for $75 via until Friday 18 November. 


If you are unable to make a purchase via RaffLink, cash sales forms with an envelope were sent home with your child today. Please return these to the school office before the day of the draw.


Thank you for your support.


School Musical

This is just a reminder that our upcoming school production, Christmas Recipe & Pirates of the Curry Bean, is to be held at the Narrabri Crossing Theatre on Friday 25 November, starting at 6:15 pm (doors will open at 5:45 pm).


As always, an event like this cannot be run successfully without the assistance of helpers. If you are able to volunteer to help out on the night with makeup and costuming (which would be greatly appreciated!), please complete the following form via


Tickets are available to purchase via for $10 per person (students do not require seats) until Thursday 10 November. We request that this is organised as soon as possible so that we can inform the Crossing Theatre of the correct number of seats etc.


We hope you are able to join us on this special night.


God Bless,


Alistair Stewart
