Operation Christmas Child

Record Number of Shoeboxes Filled!
As students from Year 5 counted and packed the shoeboxes collected at Oxley, Oxley Kids and Life Ministry Church, the number just continued to grow! Previously our record for the number of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes was around 680 in a year. Our aim this year was 700. Imagine our delight then, when the final number we took to the Samaritan’s Purse processing centre in Scoresby, was a whopping 956 boxes! These boxes are filled with incredible toys, hygiene items, books and pencils, teddies, balls and beautiful letters and photos from families.
Year 9 students also had the opportunity to visit the processing centre to help to prepare the boxes for shipping.
In 2020, we sent a group of Year 12 students to Cambodia, where among other things, they were able to assist in handing out the shoeboxes to children. In the attached video you can hear that pure joy, as they open their gifts.
Thank you, Oxley, for the blessing you have been to a child and for sharing your love and care in Jesus name.
God bless!
Pastor Matt
Year 9s Help Out Samaritan’s Purse
Between Monday 24 October and Wednesday 26 October, Year 9 Home Groups took turns attending the Samaritan’s Purse warehouse to serve and assist with the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. It was a wonderfuyl opportunity to see what happens behind the scenes of the project and help the organisation. It was also great to meet some of the faithful volunteers, see the love and care that goes into shoeboxes that will bless a child in countries like Cambodia, and learn about the history of the appeal and the tireless work Samaritan’s Purse does. Roles included preparing and packing up morning tea for all the staff and volunteers, checking and processing donated shoeboxes full of presents, taping up boxes and cartons, lifting and scanning!
A common response was that students enjoyed the day, and from Carol Lennan, the OCC State Manager, ‘students worked well in teams and conducted themselves very well’. Home Group Captains also initiated class collaborative shoebox efforts to donate, where each individual student was allocated a different category of item to bring to place into a box.
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1Timothy 6:18
Gavin Fox
Year 9 Coordinator