Junior School

It has been magnificent this week to bask in the sunshine while walking around our Junior School. Being outdoors and enjoying the warmth of the sun is just another simple reminder of our awesome God and the love He has for us, which can be clearly seen through His creation.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20.
With great delight, I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate Mrs Lee and her husband, Bryan, on their recent pregnancy announcement. They will become parents at the beginning of 2023. We look forward to hearing about the birth of this precious life and meeting the new member of the Oxley family. We pray God will bless them as they enter this exciting new phase of family life.
Year 5 students participated in a leadership program comprising of three sessions. We had a wonderful time discussing what it means to be a leader. In Session 1, students were encouraged to think about a person they consider to be a leader. We focused on the fact that Leadership is learned, and everyone has the potential to be a leader. We recognised that not all leaders are the same, but exemplary leaders engage in five common practices.
- Model the way.
- Inspire a shared vision.
- Challenge the process.
- Enable others to act.
- Encourage the heart.
In Session 2, Year 5 students were set a collaborative challenge, which called for them to demonstrate the common practices they had unpacked over the past week. With the encouragement of Mrs Rebecca McDonald and Mr Daniel Rodgers, the students worked well as a team and positively celebrated the outcome.
Session 3 involved the students reflecting on what characteristics make a strong leader and how these were shown in the collaborative challenge. They then had the opportunity to voice their opinions and vote for the 2023 Junior School leaders. These votes will be collated and used along with staff recommendations to select successful candidates. We look forward to presenting the Captains for 2023 to the school community at Final Assembly at 1.30pm on Monday 5 December, at LMC. All parents are invited to attend this special event, where all students will be acknowledged on stage and celebrated for their effort and achievement this year.
It was a pleasure to announce our second round of ROAR Awardees in Chapel and host an afternoon tea with some amazing Junior School students. The following students received the award for showing either Respect, Obedience, Acceptance or Resilience.
Prep B | Lucy Broadley-Pana | Acceptance |
Prep L | David Wang | Resilience |
1AB | Hope Brown | Resilience |
1CB | Flynn Sturrock | Acceptance |
2A | Ezra Broadley-Pana | Resilience |
2K | Dinara Dissanayake | Acceptance |
2W | Jasmine Kyaw | Acceptance |
3A | Thomas Caldwell | Resilience |
3R | Reuben Nelson | Obedience |
4B | Cohen Holland | Resilience |
4N | Hannah Philip | Resilience |
5M | Ethan Selagea | Respect |
5R | Miller Lourensz | Resilience |
6G | Steffan Sween | Respect |
6H | Alissa Yuriev | Resilience |
On Friday 4 November, we hosted the annual Mooroolbark District Community Sports Day on the oval. Schools from our local area attended, with teams of Year 5 and 6 students competing in various sports. It was great to see students from different schools compete in a positive competition. Thank you to Mr Joshua Gaschk for organising this event. Congratulations to Oxley, placing first overall. Well done, Team Oxley!
At the time of writing, we are about to mark the completion of the Prep – Year 6 Writing Celebration Projects. The students are thrilled to share their hard work with families and friends and receive feedback from an authentic audience. Parents are invited to attend their child / children's classroom on Thursday 24 November, from 8.45 – 9.15am, where they will share their writing with you. We certainly have many budding authors in our midst.
Parents are reminded that Friday 25 and Monday 28 November are student free days. No students are required at school, and alternative arrangements will need to be made for their care.
With only three and a half weeks until the end of the school year, we begin to prepare students for a positive transition to the new school year. In Week 9, we will welcome many new students to Oxley for our 2023 transition program, and current students will also visit the classrooms of their 2023 year level. How exciting!
On Thursday 1 December, Year 6 students will celebrate their Graduation. Students attend a dinner with teaching staff prior to the arrival of their family members for the Graduation ceremony to follow. We extend warm appreciation to the students for a most successful year and their outstanding service to the College community, especially as leaders of the Junior School. We also thank parents who have supported their child's learning, and the vision and mission of the College, in such a tangible way. We pray God will guard them as they transition to Secondary School education.
Please add these key dates to your diary.
- Prep Nativity – Wednesday 30 November at 11.30am at LMC.
- Junior School Final Assembly – Monday 5 December at 1.30pm at LMC. Please ensure that students are in full Summer uniform, with a jumper and the correct socks, for this formal event. Shoes must be shined, with hair styled to Oxley standards. Please refer to pages 12 and 13 in the Student Diary for specific guidelines. Teachers will conduct uniform checks in the lead up to the day, so please watch for any communication requesting that you address any out of uniform issues.
- Final Day of Term 4 – Wednesday 7 December. Please note students will be dismissed at 12.40pm.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:15-17
Amy Liddle
Head of Junior School