Quality Teaching & Learning
Message from the Director of Quality Teaching & Learning - Rob Marchetto
Gender Specific Education: Improving Girl’s participation in TAS (Technological and Applied Studies)
This is the second in a series of newsletter articles that highlight the benefits of Calrossy’s Diamond Model. The first newsletter article was titled Improving Boy’s Reading in the Secondary School – An initiative by the Calrossy PDHPE Department and can be found here https://inewsletter.co/10Aogx/calrossy-anglican-school-term-3-week-7a/#/0
Or by looking up Whole School Newsletters Term 3 Week 7a.
One of the benefits of a single sex secondary education as part of the Diamond Model at Calrossy is that our teachers can target interventions aimed at increasing student participation and self-confidence. Our 7-10 girls grow in confidence in all-girl classrooms as they are able to participate with increased involvement in practical subjects within the TAS department offerings such as Mandatory Technology Stage 5 Agriculture Technology, Stock Appraisal, Stage 5 Agriculture, Industrial, Textiles and Food Technologies (NB: Food Tech is co-ed class in 2020). There will be cases in Stage 5 where coeducation classes will run to ensure the elective can be offered.
As young teenagers, our 7-10 girls are liberated from the negative peer pressure of having to perform in mixed classes. Single sex classes allow Calrossy Anglican School to have larger groups of girls as part of classes where there is a major practical component; this allows more girls the opportunity to undertake the elective of their choice. Our all girl classes allow for safe and positive participation which promotes focus and engagement.
The TAS Department agree that as a result “Girls become more confident in themselves and are happy to be players rather than just an audience; not afraid to defend their opinions and confident that others are interested in their perspective”.
Thus, single sex classes allow young teenagers to be themselves, not having to prove themselves to the opposite sex and take more risks. As a consequence, Calrossy girls will be more adventurous in their approach to new practical experiences.
As the single sex classroom approach is developmentally appropriate, gender stereotypes of subjects are removed thereby encouraging the large number of young women that participate in subjects like Agriculture and Primary Industries.
The Calrossy Diamond Model approach is seen as an approach which not only gets the very best from students, but also from teaching staff, as they are able to tailor their professional techniques for girls and boys.
By making education enjoyable, exciting and inspirational, a true love of learning is fostered, which will stand our students in good stead for the rest of their lives.
Additionally, educational research & evidence support the diamond model as being developmentally appropriate for boys & girls learning and for the formation of our graduate attributes: knowledgeable, critical thinkers, collaborative, creative and articulate.
Due to appropriate developmental cohorts learning together, students adopt a courageous disposition to learning. Safety is promoted in their learning which facilitates courage
- Courage to ask questions
- Courage to take risks
- Courage to not risk being judged
- Courage to minimize self-comparison
- Courage to increase willingness to try new things (eg Dance and Food Technology for boys, Agriculture, Industrial Technology and Primary Industries for girls
- And finally, courage & confidence to develop their knowledge and to become more articulate and engaged in collaboration ultimately resulting in more creativity and critically think.
In a future newsletter I will write about the benefits of Calrossy’s co-educational approach in senior years of schooling.