What's happening at CHPS

Performing Arts News

Welcome to Term 2 Performing Arts! Hope you all had a happy and chocolate filled Easter!

It was exceptional to see all your videos you submitted at the end of last term, it truly made my day! Juniors did an amazing job with their honest dance, Middles' puppet solos showed outstanding creativity and the Seniors' virtual performances showed the great talent we have at CHPS.  Our Performing Arts Captains, Kayla M, Jasmine K, Tahli R, Abbie D and I are working hard to ensure you guys still have access to awesome Performing Arts activities and opportunities. 

One such activity is Dance Club: we will be doing virtual sessions via google classroom on Thursdays at 2pm.  If you are interested, feel free to email me for the class code! Our Music Captains, Tahli and Abbie, are looking into the possibility of creating a virtual version of Stagestruck and running Choir remotely, so watch this space!

It might be a little different, but it’s still going to be a fun-filled, spectacular term!

As always, stay happy and healthy

Mr King 😊

And In Art .......

Middle school students came up with some awesomely creative artwork in their Values Posters!