Principal Team Report

Return to School Guidelines

Principal Video Message

As per last week's announcement, all Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will re-commence onsite learning from Tuesday 26 May with year 3-6 students starting 2 week's later on Tuesday 9 June.


Important Term 2 Dates

Statewide pupil free day*: Monday 25 May 

Return to School (P-2): Tuesday 26 May 

Queen's Birthday: Monday 8 June 

Return to School (3-6): Tuesday 9 June

ASPS Curriculum Day*: Monday 15 June 

* Camp Australia full-day care available


As discussed during my last video message, there are some changes that we will all need to make with regards to how we adjust to life at school amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The following school-based Return to School guidelines have been established to ensure that we're all playing our part to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission within our community. In reading the following information, I acknowledge that this may feel overwhelming as all change can be emotionally disruptive. Rest assured, school staff will be on hand to provide all the support required to ensure that the return to school is as smooth and calm for our students as possible.


If you or your child is unwell and exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms, you must not enter the school.  

If a child presents at school with cold or flu-like symptoms, they will be calmly and respectfully brought to the first aid room where they will wait for parents to collect them. It is expected that the adult staff member looking after a potentially unwell child wears a face-mask and gloves. The supervising adult will also apply a mask to the child (providing that this is not distressing for the child and/or exacerbates symptoms). Children must not return to school until they are completely well. The expectations are the same for staff in that they must not attend work if they are unwell. If your child has allergies which may present in a similar way to the symptoms described above, please be proactive in informing and discussing these with the school.

School Drop-Off and Collection: Only students and staff are permitted to enter the school.

To limit adult to adult interaction across the school, parents are not permitted to enter the school without prior authorisation. Parents are asked to drop students off using the 'Kiss and Drop' zone on Burgess St.  Adults are asked to refrain from getting out cars and to move on as quickly as possible. Families walking to school are asked to drop children off as far back from the school gates as possible and to avoid congregating with other members of the community. 



Staggered Start and Finish Times

To limit the number of people gathering at the start and end of the school day, the school has established (in accordance with DET guidelines) a staggered start and finish schedule.  To ensure that families do not have to drop children within the same household at different times, this schedule is based on student surnames. We thank all families in advance for support as we implement this new way of being - which I assure you, will become normal for our students in a very short period of time. 


From the first day back on Tuesday 26 May, members of the leadership team and our specialist teachers  will greet students at Burgess St. Classroom teachers will await student arrival in classrooms as part of an extended 'soft-start' to each day. 


To minimise traffic, families can use either the Burgess St or Tooronga Rd entrance points.  If your child is anxious about returning to school, please use the Burgess St gate as there will be staff on hand to provide support. For families that are anticipating higher levels of worry and anxiety in their children, you may choose to do a practice run over the weekend, so that your child can build a clearer picture in their own mind of what drop-off will look like next Tuesday.


On arrival at school, surnames will be will be checked (to ensure that students are arriving at the correct time) and student hands will be cleaned with sanitiser.  In accordance with DET guidelines, student temperatures will not be checked as all schools have been advised that, "there is limited evidence to demonstrate the value of such checks."


Staggered Drop-Off Schedule 

Onsite Year 3-6 Students*: 8:40-8:50am 

(this provides time for students to prepare for morning Zoom sessions)

*Up until 5 June, onsite learning for Year 3-6 students requires principal approval.


BAND 1: 8.50am – 9:00am

Surnames beginning with:

A, B, D, E, F, L, N, R, Z


Band 2: 9:00am – 9:10am

Surnames beginning with:

G, H, I, J, K, O, S, V, Y 


Band 3: 9:10am – 9:20am

Surnames beginning with:

C, M, P, Q, T, W


Staggered Collection Schedule 

(hand sanitiser on departure)

BAND 1: 3:10pm – 3:20pm

Surnames beginning with:

A, B, D, E, F, L, N, R, Z


Band 2: 3:20 – 3:30pm

Surnames beginning with:

G, H, I, J, K, O, S, V, Y 


Band 3: 3:30pm – 3:40pm

Onsite Year 3-6 Students and

Surnames beginning with:

C, M, P, Q, T, W

Additional Safety Measures Taken by the School

  • Hand Hygiene: All students will wash their hands when they arrive at school (hand sanitiser), before snack time, after recess, before lunchtime, after lunch play and on departure from school (hand sanitiser). Hand sanitiser will be available in all classes for general use throughout the day.
  • Staggered Playtimes and designated play areas. The school will adopt a staggered approach to playtimes.  This will limit the numbers of students playing in close proximity to each other.
  • All water bubblers will be turned off. Students are required to bring a water bottle which can be filled at designated re-fill stations throughout the day.
  • DET has provided an additional cleaning allowance. There will be a cleaner onsite throughout the day to regularly clean high-use surfaces, facilities, equipment and touch-points.

The World's Greatest Shave

Thanks so much to you all for you support in helping me raise awareness of Blood Cancer.  My hair is slowly growing back and it is   quite chilly around my ears. Donations are still being accepted until June 30. If you follow the link


My sincere thanks to Isabelle Ting for being my inspiration,  and giving me  the courage to  shave my hair. Also Isabelle and her family made the most wonderful cup cakes for our morning tea fundraiser.


I really thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you all when we are all back to school.

In kindness,


2021 Prep Enrolments

Please note that Prep enrolment packs for 2021 can be collected from the school this Friday 8 May from 8:00am - 8:45am and from 3:00pm - 4:00pm. 

The Fathering Project

As a registered Fathering Project school, I encourage families to access the quality parent education resources available on the following website:

Happy Families Blog