
Thank you everybody for the great term.

We are all so proud of how resilient everyone was during the recent lockdown.


Inquiry in Term 3

Our topic for term 3 is:

Historical Knowledge - Personal histories

The areas we will be covering include:

  1. Who the people in their family are, describe where they were born and raised and how they are related to each other and how their stories are communicated and shared
  2. Differences in family structures of families and the role of family groups today, and what they have in common and how these have changed or remained the same over time
  3. How the present, past and future are signified by terms indicating and describing time
  4. Differences and similarities between students' daily lives and perspectives of life during their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods, including family traditions, leisure time and communications

All classes will be going to the Melbourne Museum. The dates are in the newsletter calendar. Permission notes have been sent out through Sentral.

Parent support in the classroom

Due to COVID restrictions, we were forced to stop the program for term 2. We are looking forward to having everyone who has volunteered to help back in the classroom as soon as restrictions are lifted. Teacher will sent out a notice with an updated timetable through Sentral when we can begin this valuable program again.