Principal's Report

As Term 2 ends, I reflect on what we have all achieved this term and the progress our students have made. Our students and staff alike are truly outstanding. They are resilient, embracing of change and continually demonstrate a positive learning mindset. With planning for our new state of the art school well underway, in the classroom our focus is firmly on teaching and learning. 


Our circumstances and preparing for a new school have created some incredible opportunities for us. One of these is the fast tracking of becoming a fully digital school, putting us ahead of most other schools in the state. The learning and skills development this will offer our students cannot be underestimated. It will provide them with 21st century learning and enterprise skills that will see them well prepared for the world that awaits them. For our teachers too, the learning and development this provides them with will ensure they will be at the forefront of teaching and empowering thinking about, and with, technology. I look forward to bringing updates on this significant project that is being closely supported by the Department of Education and Microsoft. 


This week we were to have a community consultation evening where members of our community could see the designs for our new school and engage with representatives from the planning team to ask question and offer feedback. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney, the event was postponed and we will bring you news of a new date just as soon as it has been finalised. At the end of this newsletter is a detailed update and a link for you to provide feedback. I encourage you to do this before the 7th July 2021 deadline.

In the field of sports, we have had many students this term travelling to compete in regional sporting competitions. These have included lawn bowls, touch football, netball and softball. Congratulations to all of the students who have represented our school and a big thank you to our teachers that give their time to training and preparing students for these competitions. 


Congratulations to Ally Stanfield who was recently announced as a finalist in the 2021 NSW Trade Training Awards. Our school continues to excel in delivering Trade Training opportunities and this year we have a record number of students participating in this exciting program. Ms Blewitt has done a tremendous job building strong links with businesses across the Narrabri Shire to enable our school to offer this opportunity to so many students.


Late yesterday we welcomed home students in Years 11 and 12 who have been on their Stage 6 excursion to Newcastle and surrounds. I am so incredibly proud of you all and the feedback that arrived home before you of your outstanding behaviour and manners. Thank you for representing Wee Waa High School in such a professional and admirable way and for applying yourselves fully to the learning opportunities offered on the excursion. 


I wish our staff and students a safe and enjoyable winter break and look forward to welcoming you back for what is sure to be a great Term 3.


Yours sincerely,


Annabel Doust
