Specialist News

Term 2

Specialist News:

Physical Education

For all classes, we have designed a Physical Education choice board which focuses on skills we have been learning across the Term. Please don't feel that all tasks need to be completed, you may only complete one or two, the choice is yours. Movement and physical activity is important during this time, so make sure you all get a chance to get outside and incorporate movement into the daily routine.

Treesje Butterworth & Emily Embery


 Visual Arts

This week in specialist Visual Arts classes, 

  • Years F - 2 are going to be shown how to create animal 'handprints'.
  • In years 3/4 we are creating Rangoli patterns, which can be made utilizing things we have in our pantry - however found objects from nature are also very useful should you rather not have your children get arty with food.
  • Years 5/6 will learn about a contemporary artist whose multi-media collaborative works have earned him great acclaim both internationally and locally.  Students are shown the steps to create an artwork inspired by his style and vision.

Years 3 - 6 will find their art tasks on google classroom on Monday at 6 pm. Years F - 2 will find their task on seesaw same time. Work should be uploaded to seesaw in the art folder. Students can complete their task on their specialist day or earlier if it suits the family better that way.

Ms Gabriele Uhlendorf


Performing Arts

This week Foundation and Year 1/2 students will be rehearsing their class dances and songs for the Junior Production.  If students have a speaking part in the show they should keep rehearsing lines at home so when we are back at school we are ready to put the show together.  

The Year 3/4 and 5/6 students are also going to start work on the Senior Production 'The Lion King'.   Animal movements, listening and singing along to the songs will make home feel like you are in the African Savanna.  

Mrs Andrews



As mentioned above, the activities this week will be available from 6pm Monday night - Seesaw for the Junior School and Google Classroom for the Senior School! This will mean students can have a read through the activity early and collect any materials they might need for their Indonesian activity.

As we often do during the last few weeks of term, students have been investigating Indonesian culture through many different topics! 

  • In Foundation, students will create the Indonesian flag before turning it into a fan (learning that although it's winter here, it's ALWAYS hot in Indonesia!).
  • 1/2 students are continuing to learn about transport, but are creating some different types of transport not commonly seen or used in Australia - the jukung and the delman!
  • 3/4 students are continuing to build, develop and create their traditional house mini-villages 
  • 5/6 students express their understanding of Indonesian culture through batik-style artworks.

I'm looking forward to the pictures already - remember, students are always given options for what and how they can create! 

Bu Mundy