Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang!

Despite the challenges that lockdown and Remote Learning brings, Week 7 has introduced some new experiences and opportunities for learning in the Inquiry Centre. We sincerely appreciate the support that families have provided to students and teachers during this past week.

Through our Choice Board, students have been provided with a whole range of activities for students to take part in.


In Writing, we have continued to focus on creating persuasive texts by brainstorming reasons to support our opinions. Thinking about topics such as ‘Kids should play outside everyday’ or ‘Grade 1/2s should get to have a class party’, we have been using persuasive techniques such as Ollie Openers and rhetorical questions to convince our readers that they should agree with us. Don’t you think they’ve done a wonderful job?

In Reading, we have used images to make inferences using a ‘See, Think, Wonder’ chart. Students chose an image and listed all the things in the image that they noticed. Then, using that information and prior knowledge, they used their inferencing skills to come up with some ideas about what was happening. There were some very creative ideas being thought up by the students. Finally, they extended their thinking beyond what they could see and came up with some questions about what they saw. 

In Maths, we had the opportunity to explore and compare the properties of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. Students were able to find objects from their surroundings and looked at the number of sides, faces and corners. There was also the opportunity to demonstrate our understanding of addition and subtraction through number think boards with a target number. Students used different strategies, including number lines, diagrams and vertical equations, to arrive at the target number. It was fantastic to see students showing some of the strategies they have learned throughout Semester One.

In Wellbeing, the focus was on Reconciliation Week and the idea of fairness and how to make sure we are treating each other in a respectful way using the MPRPS School Values. For Guided Inquiry, we continued to think about the environment and what ways we can refuse, reduce, recycle, reuse and repurpose items around our homes. In Science, we observed the changes that occurred in our seeds from earlier in the term.

We hope that your first full week of lockdown has been as stress free as possible. We are continuing our daily check-ins and increasing the support to students with focused small group sessions on Google Meet throughout the week. Thank you again for your ongoing understanding and support.


Sampai jumpa,

Miss Glen, Mrs Gill, Miss Honan, Mr Jenkins, Mrs Seadon, Ms Vo and Miss Wang


  • Google Meet check-ins are held every morning at 9:30am. The link is available on SeeSaw or message classroom teachers if you have any issues.
  • Students will take part in one Maths and one Literacy small group Google Meet each week. The information regarding this has been sent via Sentral and SeeSaw.

Student Voice

What has been something positive about learning from home over the last week?

  • Jarrod L - “I’ve enjoyed the specialist tasks, especially the Indonesian and art activities!”
  • Anna R - “I’ve enjoyed seeing my friends on the Google Meets!”
  • Isaac T - “My mum has helped me with some of my writing.”