Catch Up and Coming Soon

Catch Up for a Cuppa Morning
It was nice to see so many
parents at school again last Thursday morning, after many hard months of restrictions due to COVID 19.
We invited parents (a note was sent out) to drop in and have a cup of tea or coffee, a chat, a look around and catch up. It is nice for the children to have their parents at school and also great for parents to see some of what happens at school.
Thanks to all those who were able to attend. Remember, if at any time you need to talk with teachers, just contact Gaye in the office and we can make an appointment.
Professional Learning
Teachers at Larnook PS are constantly engaging in Professional Learning, through formal and informal means. Currently we are enrolled in a course provided by the Department of Education called Effective Reading. This is an online course which we do after school and it will involve many hours of learning throughout the term.
Just a reminder that Intensive Swimming Lessons are coming up this term in the heated pool at Goonellabah Sports and Aquatic Centre (GSAC). They start on Monday, 31st May and will involve two sessions per day. A note has come out and thank you to all parents and carers who have already returned it. Cost will be $40.
Thank You
Thank you to Ebony for suggesting, through the SRC suggestion box, that we do Art Club. It was a great idea and we do this usually Tuesday and sometimes Wednesdays at lunch.
Thank you Coby for helping Lilly when she fell in the mud last week. He took her to the office to Gaye who cleaned her up. That was kind and responsible. Well done!
Thank you River, for cleaning up at bus time a couple of weeks ago, when others were not really happy to help. You helped anyway and it was really appreciated!
Coming Up in Term Two
Week Five
Tuesday, 18th May
Volleyball with Claire
Wednesday, 19th May
Simultaneous Reading
No Uniform Day for Stewart House
Friday, 21st May
Zone Cross Country for Marshall and Issi
Week Seven
Monday 31st May, Tuesday 1st June & Wednesday 2nd June
Swimming at GSAC
Week Eight
Monday 7th June & Tuesday 8th June
Swimming at GSAC
Wednesday, 9th June
Volleyball with Claire
Week Nine
Monday, 14th June
Public Holiday
Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th June
Volleyball with Claire
Week Ten
Friday, 25th June
Last day of term 2