Learning in the workplace

Year 10 Work Experience


Our year 10s encountered a range of different workplaces and challenges during work experience last week. Here a few of our students reflect on their learning experiences.



For my work experience I was fortunate enough to work on a farm. The farm is near Skipton and has sheep and canola crops. Some of my roles include checking on the sheep. The sheep were lambing, sometimes after the lamb has been born, they are unable to stand back up so I had to pick them up so they could regain their balance. To check the crops, I had to inspect the leaves to make sure they did not have any bite marks from slugs. Overall, it was a great experience.  

Tom B.



Law Courts

I spent the week doing work experience with a barrister in the city. He was in the middle of a case that was expected to run for five or six weeks about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, so the whole week was spent in the County Court. Coming in halfway through was a bit of a challenge but I'd read some of the material, so I knew the outlines of the case and managed to work out most of what was said. 


Supreme Court Library
Supreme Court Library

Over the week, I observed the examination in chief and cross examinations of four expert witnesses including a forensic pathologist, which was interesting. The best part was probably watching objections, it's not as simple as it is in tv shows and one objection took forty-five minutes to sort out before the questioning resumed. I learnt about court procedures and the preparation and work that lawyer must do before and during a case. Overall, it was fun and I learnt a lot. 

Eva M.




For my work experience I went to Toscano’s fruit shop. A few highlights of my work were meeting new people and working with food in a kitchen. Some of the challenges that I faced were constantly leaning over and bending down, and when you are 6'10", that can be challenging! Overall the experience was amazing and provided me with skills in multiple aspects of a business

Alex C.




Last week I worked as a mechanic. I did all sorts of jobs around the garage including housework like sweeping and cleaning, but I also got to do some work on cars, doing jobs like oil changes and tyre changes. Even though I was working 9 till 5 I really enjoyed it and I think it was a very good experience for me and will help me get a job later on.

Adam C.