Animation & Multimedia

Year 10 excursion to ACMI


Our Year 10 Animation & Multimedia class took a trip to the city last week to see ACMI’s new exhibition “Disney: The Magic of Animation.” This exhibition features over 500 pieces of art that were used while working on films throughout Disney’s history. The intricate processes and techniques behind all these classic animations were great inspiration, showing how effectively elements like colour and staging can be used to elevate storytelling.


We then saw another of ACMI’s exhibitions, “The Story of the Moving Image.” This was focused on the complex history of moving visuals, including everything from shadow projection and optical illusions to modern cinema and video games. It was a fascinating trip through all the ingenuity and innovation that has led to where we are now.

The trip gave us a better appreciation for all the tricks used by artists throughout history, as well as lots of inspiration to implement in our own animation work.


Daniel Noonan 10A