Strike for Climate

Global School Strike for Climate

On the 15th of March we went into the city to be part of the global School Strike for Climate. When we got there we walked out the train station, and joined in the masses of people that were already there, which would reach 40,000 participants by the end of the day. We had made signs in art club at school to help get our message across and inspire others. The most inspiring thing we saw was when a grade 5 girl called Bill Shortens office and encouraged him to stop Adani, commit to no new oil or coal and commit to all renewable energy by 2030. The fact that there isn’t a plan for safe guarding the future against climate change made us feel nervous about the future, because our parents’ generation didn’t have to worry about this and we are facing this new challenge without much support from the government. We want to make sure future generations don’t have to worry like we do. We felt really powerful when everyone was chanting together because it made us our feel united in this challenge. In the future we want to focus on making changes in our school environment so then we can show the government that it’s possible to make positive changes to protect our future.

 Sienna, Emilia, Abigail, Cassie, Ayesha and Bek