BEST Curriculum

Year 8 Snorkel Safari

Year 8 BEST students had their first snorkel of the year last week down at Ricketts Point. This session was aimed at developing safety skills and confidence snorkelling in a range of conditions. This experience will lead nicely into our Ecology unit where we look at habitats and sampling populations. Ms Millar


Professor Carl Jones

Students were surprised with a special guest last Friday, Professor Carl Jones who is world famous for his conservation work in restoring populations of bird species from the brink of extinction. He is a conservation ecologist who has won the prestigious Indianapolis Prize for his work. He spoke to the students about his passions as a child, how he worked over decades to save 9 species on the Isle of Mauritius and how working as a team and having optimism can help make the world a better place. It doesn’t have to be lots of people making a huge difference, all it takes is one person to make small steps that will make a big difference over time.