
Dear Parents,


We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.  We are sure your child’s penultimate year at Black Rock Primary School will be memorable and we look forward to seeing you throughout the year.


The following information will provide you with an overview of the Year Five curriculum that will be taught in the classroom, and the ways in which it is delivered.


From the Year Five Team

Year Five Teachers

Miss Beth Tyrrell - 5T

Mr Rowan Doyle - 5D

Miss Sarah Powell - 5P

Miss Rose Thompson - 5R


At BRPS we foster a strong home school relationship. 

There are two interview days scheduled for the year. The first one will be taking place March 3rd. The second interview day will be held in Term Three, after you have received your child’s Semester One Report.

To report a student absence please notify the school via COMPASS app or desktop. 

For urgent issues requiring immediate action please call the school on 95982293.

To discuss a student's academic progress, health or well being please email your child's teacher using COMPASS browser.  Please refer to COMPASS emailing teachers document. 

School staff will try to respond to general inquiries as soon as possible and we request that you allow 2-3 working days. 

Please note that staff may not read, respond or action emails outside regular working hours. 

To report any potential hazard or incident please contact Sam Tyndall or Jayne Timms on 95982293 or black.rock.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au


  • From September to April students  must wear their wide brimmed hat—aligned to the "no hat, no play" policy.
  • When your child is unable to participate in PE/fitness lessons, a note is required stating the dates that they are unable to participate.
  • Please check Compass regularly for any reminders.