Specialist Program

Food Technology – Jane Stacey
We have been very busy making lots of different foods in this subject. Upper Primary students have been learning about healthy snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner. We discussed the importance of eating well and how to choose healthy foods, drinking lots of water, getting enough sleep and doing exercise to make our bodies fit and strong.
Performing Arts- Justin Hall
Upper Primary students have been working hard on developing their instrumental skills and learning a new song ‘Without Me’.
Physical Education – Rachael McKeown and Hayley Northridge
This Term the P.E program has provided students to further develop their fundamental motor skills by working in pairs, individually and in teams. Throughout the term the students also worked on good sportsmanship and the skills required to be successful in team game situations. The students took part in basketball circuits and were able to transfer these skills into a basketball game. Each Term the students participated in a timed run working on improving their time and fitness.
Visual Arts- Vera Mitchell
Upper Primary students participate in a single visual art lesson per week. In the visual art program, students will develop and extend existing technical skills in drawing, painting, cutting, pasting, modelling, construction and media.
This year in semester one we explored Author Illustrator Eric Carle and Beatrix Potter. Term one we looked at Eric Carle’s techniques and themes and their painting styles through books, videos and web sites. Most of the art work was developed around collage after viewing the work. In term two we explored Author Illustrator Beatrix Potter and her themes and drawings. The students learnt how to draw and paint animals.
Jane Stacey
Acting Specialist Team Leader and Food Technology Teacher