Upper Primary Learning

Term 2 Highlights and Achievements
There have been many special events and activities occur in Upper Primary this term. These have included:
Two camps, one to Blackwood earlier in the term and then more recently the camp to Manyung in Mt Eliza. These camping experiences are very different, as one is a bush setting and the other a seaside camp. PSC and PDC attended the Blackwood camp. Highlights from this camp were: High Ropes and Flying Fox, Archery, the Education Centre (where the students got to pretend they were a wombat, burrowing under the building in life size man made tunnels). Then there was the visit to Sovereign Hill. Panning for gold, the horse and coach ride, the Mine tour (88 steps underground) and dressing up as part of the school lesson were definite hits for all of the students.
The camp to Manyung provided some different experiences for the students from PKO and PKJ. The giant swing and archery, carried out in the rain; then the flying fox and tree rolling were highlights for these students. Unfortunately we were unable to do the beach activities because of the weather. On the second day students really enjoyed the trip to the Enchanted Adventure Garden. The students spent half the afternoon on the Tube Slides. This was ‘no mean feat’ as the students and staff had to pull large tubes up a steep incline before enjoying the thrilling ride down the hill in their tubes. Everyone slept well that night.
This term PMJ, PDJ and some of the students from PSC thoroughly enjoyed the swimming program each Friday. It was great to see the confidence and skills of the students grow over the eight weeks.
Over the term all students have participated in the weekly Electives program. Each term students have the opportunity to choose a new activity. We run some of the activities at school: cooking, bike riding, science, digital technology and outdoor games. Consumer skills, Gymnastics and Fun Fitness are held at venues in the wider community.
In weeks 3 and 4 students attended Woolworths Food Discovery Tour. At Woolworths students had a tour of the store, including a behind the scenes look at the bakery. After the tour students got to sample some fresh fruit and were given a ‘goodies’ bag to bring back to school.
In week 5 all classes took part in the Nationwide Simultaneous Reading of the story book “Alpacas with Maracas”. After which, each class participated in different craft activities.
As part of Education Week we had our ‘open morning’, when many parents took the opportunity to come and visit their child in the classroom. We also had students from Year 11 / 12 come into our classrooms to talk about and show a PowerPoint presentation on the work based skills they do on a weekly basis.
This term Upper Primary students participated in the SRC meetings. Each class has a representative that attends the meeting. At these meetings students have the opportunity to voice their opinions and those of their peers, as well as suggest ways we can improve our school.
Upper Primary grades all have a class captain and we have a school leader that represents the section. This term class captains were: PKO - Madisyn, PCA – Matthew, PKJ – Chloe, PDJ – Aleshia, PMJ – Olena, PDC – Thai and PSC – Fabian. Our school leader was Lachie H from PMJ.
This term we have also welcomed 3 new students to the section. Krista and Aiden joined PMJ and Marie is now part of PDJ. We hope they will enjoy their time at Concord.
Chris Norman
Team Leader