Religious Education

The Transfiguration of the Lord

Transfiguration prayer

On the mountain you were transfigured, O Christ God, And your disciples beheld your glory as far as they were ableSo that when they would behold You crucified,They would understand that Your suffering was voluntary,And would proclaim to the world,That You are truly the radiance of the Father.




SACRAMENTS - New date for First Communion

FIRST EUCHARIST -  For children in Year 4 , 5 and 6. St Anne's School First Eucharist Mass postponed to - Sunday 15 August at 2.30pm

Stoles that were sent to school have been given to Anita to update. 

If you want your stole updated with the First Eucharist date and image please contact Anita ( her details are below ).

Classroom teachers will be preparing students for this Sacrament. 


CONFIRMATION -  Sunday 22 August 2pm and 4pm Masses


RECONCILIATION 2021 enrolment  - Nov 2021 date to be confirmed.

The Sacramental program will go ahead within the COVID restrictions. 



A Stole is to be worn during the Sacraments.  The Stole can be individual to the child or a family Stole.  The Stole can be hand made or purchased through our supplier. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS supplies the Stoles for the Parish. An order form has been sent home with children. 


To order these you can contact Anita and  pay for the Stoles via direct deposit. 

ANZ bank

Anita M Hughes

BSB 013-593

Account no. 322691326


Please put child’s full name in the details.

Candidates for Sacraments will be contacted 4 weeks before each Sacrament to order stoles so that there is time for these to be made. 


HOLY BEGINNINGS can be contacted directly if you wish to order your stole independently. 

Anita 0450 782 558 


Stoles will be delivered to St Anne's school and will be dispersed to families from here. 

Pope Francis Prayer Intention for August 


The Church

Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.
