Learning in the Senior School

From the Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation

Our sector is showing an increasingly strong commitment to supporting our gifted students.  Our first full-time Gifted Education Advisor, Dr Rebecca D. Napier, began her role in February of this year with CESA.  Our school has decided to begin to work closely with her in helping increase our focus on supporting our gifted students.  


Dr Rebecca is helping facilitate an ongoing collaborative project with Dr Jae Yup Jared Jung from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) that began within CESA in 2019.  This is the leading university centre for Gifted Education in the southern hemisphere, and certainly considered a global leader in the field of gifted education.  The aim of this partnership is to:

  • Establish our parent and teacher’s current knowledge and attitudes toward gifted students and gifted education
  • Identify gifted education issues in our schools
  • Develop and implement a research-based gifted education policy and related procedures
  • Provide professional development for our teachers

We urgently need your help to achieve these goals to support our gifted students.  Although a number of our schools participated in the survey, we have not had sufficient parent participation. We still need approximately 19 parent survey participants by the end of August. If you are interested in supporting this project, please click on the following link and complete the survey:




Thank you for your time in supporting the learning and wellbeing the gifted students in our Catholic sector.


Dr Michael Boots

Assistant Principal: Learning & Innovation

Netball Grand Final Winners

Congratulations to our six netball teams who were victorious in their Grand Finals.


Year 11/12 Loreto 2 coached by Kim Laing:

  • Eryn Mungur, Charlotte Taft, Charlotte Laing, Emily Boyce, Georgina Tenny, Abigail McClure, Olivia Ephgrave, Milla Swain, Gracie Vaughan & Meg Evans

Year 11/12 Loreto 5 coached by Molly Kernahan:

  • Lottie Murray, Ellie Grimsell, Caterina Ricci, Grace Remphrey, Imogen Grbin, Scarlett Shergold, Alessia Villano & Grace Pasalidis

Year 10 Loreto 1 coached by Kathryn Ferguson:

  • Hilary Longstaff, Poppy Lynch, Deontae Greenoff, Keneesha Lee, Charlotte Illman, Georgina Birks, Francesca Lennon, Skye Haddock, Deanna Macolino & Hallie Anderson

Year 9 Loreto 1 coached by Kim Laing:

  • Emma Thomas, Alexandra Donato, Imogen Stallard, Alice Tiver, Lola Favretto, Alex Healy, Sophie Taylor, Alyssa Cavuoto, Molly Silvy, Emily Laing & Ava Desteno

Year 8 Loreto 1 coached by Kathryn Thomson:

  • Beatrice Watts, Genevieve MacCallum, Lily Briggs, Mia Threadgold, Ingrid Piro, Phoebe Smith, Evie Nelson, Charlotte Parsons, Erin Schulz

Year 7 Loreto 1 coached Anita Marino:

  • Albino Marino, Sophia Keros, Portia Katsaros, Megan Thomas, Luci Bell, Lucy Corish, Mia Karp, Anna Zappia & Alice Hoskins.

Special mention to Year 10 Loreto 3 coached by Madison Newbury who played in a Grand Final on Saturday and narrowly missed out on a premiership.

Ms Sophie Hage

Sports Administrator

Year 8 Art Lockdown Task - The Getty Museum Challenge

During our lockdown lessons at the start of Term 3, students took on the challenge of recreating an historical portrait. In 2020, with art museums closed and many countries in lockdown, people recreated artworks and thought creatively about how everyday items in their homes could be used. Year 8 art students selected a portrait from the J Paul Getty Museum Portrait Collection and considered the following when recreating their selected portrait: 

  • Use household objects, toys, pets, family members (if there is more than one person in the painting)
  • Pay attention to the facial expression and the pose
  • Pay attention to the lighting – where is the light in the painting coming from? Use a window or a lamp to cast similar light onto the scene
  • Think creatively about how objects can be used in your recreated portrait
  • Ask someone in your house to check your pose against the painting and to photograph you.

This semester the students are creating self-portraits.  The experience of interpreting an historical portrait has complimented their learning and provided options for thinking creatively about portraiture. 

Jacky Hamilton 

Leader of Visual Arts

National Youth Space Forum

Congratulations to Arabella and Natalie (Year 11) who have been accepted into the National Youth Science Forum for 2022! The girls will be taking part in a 10-day program throughout January which will offer an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences. Well done to two very deserving candidates!