Learning in the Junior School and ELC

From the Head of Junior School & Early Learning

Over the coming weeks, every student from Year 1 to Year 6 will complete both a reading and mathematics online progressive achievement assessment, designed to identify where students are in their learning. Each assessment is mapped to the Australian Curriculum and provides an insight into a student’s mathematical ability and reading comprehension skill.  As we complete these assessments annually, we are also able to monitor and track individual progress over time.  This data and other year level assessments, also informs our teaching. For effective learning, tasks need to be at just the right level of challenge for each student. Through analysing assessment data and really knowing what our learners understand, we can differentiate and target our teaching to meet the girls’ individual needs. 


Our teachers also meet in teams to discuss student results and plan for future learning. Our leader of Learning Intervention, Ms Carolyne Carey, College Psychologist, Ms Monica Bignold, and I join these conversations, together we discuss every student to ensure their academic and social emotional wellbeing is flourishing. Information about your daughter’s achievements will be shared with you at our parent teacher interviews to be held in Week 9, on Tuesday 14 September. Booking information will be sent to parents in Week 7.


It has been a spectacular week for our Early Learning and Junior School children. They loved our Book Week celebrations and dress-up day, and the Year 5 &6 musical performance of Moana Jr was outstanding and enjoyed by all.  Many thanks to Ms Julie Staley and Ms Anne-Marie Stringer for organising such a great Book Week. To our music teachers Ms Lisa Schulz & Mr Tim De Jong and costume designer Ms Tennille Cobb – bravo, Moana Jr had as singing, laughing, and even shedding a tear, the performance by our girls was spectacular and we sincerely thank you. I would also like to warmly thank the many parents who helped with costumes, props, makeup, hair, rehearsals, front of house and backstage production. We are so very proud of our girls, they all shined on stage and worked so beautifully together to present a highly memorable performance of Moana Jr.


Ms Marika Snell

Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre

Book Week Celebrations

Happy Book Week! Each year, Book Week brings children and books together as we celebrate Australian children's literature. This year's theme is 'Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds' which meant the girls in the Junior School and the children in the ELC and Preschool had the chance to dress up in their favourite book characters. The students joined in on the fun at the Book Week assembly, parading their costumes and showcasing their creative artwork and poetry based on the book their class has been reading for the past few weeks. It was a fun morning had by all!

Moana Jr. The Musical

"See the line where the sky meets the sea?"

This thrilling and heartwarming stage adaption of the coming-of-age tale of Moana as she sets sail across the Pacific to save her village and discover the truth about her heritage.


Moana Jr. The Musical, performed by the Year 5s and 6s this term has been nothing short of incredible talent. The girls will be performing over seven shows this weekend to a sold-out audience. Take a sneak peak below at some of the photos captured at their Preview Show. 


Thank you to Ms Lisa Schulz and Mr Tim de Jong for producing such an outstanding show; to Ms Tennille Cobb for heading the costumes and all parents, staff and volunteers who have contributed to the success of this production.

Science Week in the Preschool

For Science Week 2021, Preschool Gold participated in a range of food-related experiments. Children used food dye to change the colour of celery, watching as the dye spread from the base to the tip, even turning the tips of the leaves blue! Each day throughout the week, the children were excited to check the progress of the celery, noticing more colour bleeding through as days passed. 


On Thursday last week, the children decided to move the ‘blue’ celery to the red jar and the ‘red’ celery to the blue jar. The children were excited to see the new colours continued to move though the celery!


Children also made bubbly magic potion, mixing vinegar, bicarbonate soda, dish washing liquid and food colouring together to make a bubbling potion that spilled out of the cauldron. Glitter was added for an extra special effect. During these experiments, children wondered what would happen, discussed their predictions with their friends and shared their observations as each ingredient was added to the cauldron. 


Many theories were put forward about the chemical reaction:


It smells like oil - Ares

It’s yellow, it’s bubbly, there’s sparkles - Sophie

I think I can see egg - Zoe M

It smells like cupcakes - Felix

It’s bubbly - Victoria

It looks like glitter and when you put glitter in, you can sometimes put the glitter in the bubbles and it can make it explode. If you made a volcano, we wouldn’t be able to walk in it - Zoe M

Ms Emily Quigley & Ms Amanda Lee

Early Childhood Teachers

Junior Sports News


Congratulations to LC Lightning who won a silver medal at the Blitz It Challenge on Saturday, August 14.   

Team: Camille Borrillo, Devina Degeorge, Scarlett Flaherty, Hattie Fleer, Emily Hehir

Coach: Ruby Tynan

Cross Country

On Wednesday, August 18 our Year 3 – 6 Cross Country runners competed in the Catholic Primary Schools Cross Country event in the East Parklands. All runners are to be congratulated for challenging themselves over the 2km course, competing against a field of over 80 runners in each age group.


Cross Country Team

Year 3:  Matilda Carney, Juliet Searle

Year 4:  Ella Brown, Grace Cornish, Vivienne Crawford, Lilly John, Olivia John, Millicent Lyons, Olive Maycock, Maeve Manning, Kartia Menchise, Alanah Searle, Sofia Spagnoletti, Poppy Teague

Year 5:  Eugenie Anderson, Erica Blain, Amelia Cavagnaro, Eloise Correll, Harriet Fleer, 

Winnie Katsaros, Arabella Lehmann, Lyla Neck

Year 6:  Anthonette Holmes, Mia Luppino, Willow Montgomery


The following runners finished in the top 30 in their age group

Matilda Carney 3rd

Juliet Searle 6th 

Grace Cornish 6th

Eloise Correll 11th 

Poppy Teague 17th 

Millicent Lyons 21st

Winnie Katsaros 21st

Vivienne Crawford 22nd

Alanah Searle 22nd

Sofia Spagnoletti 23rd

Lilly John 24th 

Erica Blain 24th 

Olivia John 27th 


Thank you to Mandy Braddock, Sophie Hage, Vanessa Cavagnaro, Michael Luppino, Shane Lyons, Kirsten Maycock, Lucinda Carney, Tigi Gambranis, Phoebe Smith, Anna Zappia and Caroline Swaray for their support of the girls on the day.

Winter season of sport

The winter season of Netball concludes this weekend for our Year 3, 4 and 5 teams. We congratulate all the students from Years 3 - 6 for the manner in which they have represented the college, challenging themselves to develop their skills, achieve their personal best and displaying good team spirit. 


We wish our Year 6 Netball teams every success when they play their Semi-Final matches next weekend. Year 3 – 6 Soccer and Volleyball matches continue through until Week 9 of this term. 


We would like to acknowledge the wonderful efforts of our parents, old scholars and senior students who have assisted with coaching and managing teams throughout the term.


Aerobics: Jai Tynan, Ruby Tynan and Jasmyn Smith

Netball: Francie Papilia, Dan Searle, Emma Searle, Amanda McEwin, Michelle Maio,

Nicola Kefalianos, Lola Favreto, Alexandra Donato, Natalia Mitolo, Julia Dissegna,

Chetine Walsh, Alexis Halman and Molly Silvy

Soccer: Brooke Hall-Carney, Alana Lanuzza, Chris Sisson, Enzo Salzano, Joe Spagnoletti and Mark Falahey, 

Volleyball: Aeon Nguyen


Information relating to Term 4 sports trainings and matches will be emailed to parents in week 9 of this term.


Narelle Dew

R-6 PE/Sports Coordinator

Preschool Inquiry

This term our inquiry is 'Oh the places you'll go...' through which the children are:

• Developing a sense of belonging to the Loreto community

• Make connections between their community and the wider world

• Responding with respect to diversity

• Wondering about the world around them and begin to actively research their ideas


In Preschool Blue we are integrating our inquiry with STEM. STEM is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where students learn and apply concepts in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Meaning we are developing researchers, problem solvers, thinkers, analysers, creativity, open mindedness and fearless individuals who are not afraid to try, fail, learn from their mistakes and try again. Through our inquiry the children in Preschool Blue have been travelling the world. We have visited China, Japan, Indonesia and this week – Europe! Through the use of green screen, Google, YouTube and some careful editing – the children have been able to see themselves physically visit these incredible places.


So why don’t you join us?


All aboard Preschool Blue airways! Please make sure you have your tickets and passports ready. Your pilots today will be Mrs Lee and Miss Christou. Our destination this week: EUROPE


On Monday we began by jetting off to Iceland. A very cold but beautiful place. We learnt how Iceland is an island and we would need to wear lots of warm clothes to make sure we don’t get cold in the snow. We saw ice caves, beautiful towns and then at night - we saw the Northern Lights! They are so beautiful with all their different colours, they look like they dance in the sky.


On Tuesday we boarded our plane once more and headed to Paris, France. While it was still a little cool, we thankfully didn’t need our snow jackets like we did in Iceland. Paris - the city of love, food and culture. We saw all this beautiful city had to offer - we discussed our love of croissants for some time - and then went to visit the Eiffel Tower. Wow was it big! We stayed to watch it light up the night, twinkling like it was covered in fairies. We also learnt some French words like..

Bonjour - Hello

Au revoir - Goodbye

Oui (we) - Yes


On Wednesday we decided it was time for a warmer climate, so we jetted off to Italy. One of Miss Christou’s favourite places. She shared with us about her holidays abroad and her time in Italy. We saw photos from the Amalfi Coast and marvelled at the incredible buildings and homes that line the coast. And did you know about the giant lemons that grow in Sorrento? We even picked some ourselves!

Ms Emily Quigley & Ms Amanda Lee

Early Childhood Teachers

Congratulations to Busy Performer, Mia

Mia L (Year 6) has been a committed and successful vocalist and flutist this term. Along with preparing for the role of Moana in the Year 5 & 6 School Musical, Mia completed the Grade 2 Australian Music Vocal Exam with Merit, won 1st place at the Adelaide Eisteddfod in the solo flute 12 years and under division, and on September 6, Mia will compete in the solo vocal division at the Adelaide Eisteddfod. Many hours of practise and memorising have gone into her results. We congratulate Mia on her achievements and wish her all the best for the upcoming vocal division.


Year 4 Art Exhibition Re-Creations

Feeling inspired after their visit to the R-12 Art Exhibition earlier this term, the Year 4 girls set about re-creating their favourite piece of artwork. Using their personal device, each girl took a photograph of their favourite piece. Once back in classroom, they used a variety of media to re-create their favourite pieces.


Please see some samples of their work below.

Tara Blackburn

Year 4 Teacher

Year 1 Book Week Reading with our ELC Children

As a part of book week the Year 1 students shared their love of reading and books with the ELC students. On Tuesday we visited the 3 years olds at Banksia and on Thursday we visited the preschool students to read our favourite books with them.

Ms Claire Derrington

Year 1 Teacher