Year Level Captains 2021

It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of Year Level Captains for Fairhills High School 2021.  


These students will have the opportunity to become part of the student representative council (SRC), make significant contributions towards all decisions that will be made for improvements in the school, represent their year level to have a voice and drive positive change. 


Congratulations to you all! 


Year 7

Jack Silcot  








Rylee Barnard








Year 8

Jazzmina Meldrum








Hayden Bence








Year 9

Tasanee McKenzie








Lucy Macfarlane








Year 10

Taylor-Anne Misilele








Mia Ousley








Year 11

Ameisha Gupta








Felicity Anderson








Year 12

Jesse Elderhorst








Emmasyn Blackwell