Science Week

It's Science Week

This year's theme is 'Food: different by design'


Every day this week a science quiz question and an activity that students can do at home were posted on Compass. House points will be given for participation and correct quiz answers. 


Students were asked to send quiz answers and photos of doing the activity and anything made to Ms Cox  to be eligible for house points.  Prizes will be presented once we return to school.


Day 1 Activity is to make a lava lamp at home. See the attachment for instructions.

Day 1 Quiz question:  What term describes food where an ingredient such as a vitamin or mineral has been added for dietary purposes only?                        

a) pasteurised                        b) fortified                         c) homogenised


Lava Lamp instructions

Felicity (Y11)
Felicity (Y11)
Ms Cox
Ms Cox

Well done to Felicity and Regina - Day 1 Top Scientists


Day 2  Quiz question is: What are the five tastes detected by human tastebuds?

Day 2  Activity is: Iron Cereal

See the attachment for instructions. 


Iron Cereal


Congratulations to the scientists that emailed me their quiz answers yesterday. Well done.


Day 3 Quiz question: Red food dye contains cochineal extract to create the red hue.  Where does cochineal come from?

Day 3 Activity: making plastic from milk. See the attachment below and check out this video to see how it is done.


Making plastic from milk


Felicity (Y11) - I was able to get this one to work but it was a bit crumbly


Day 4 Quiz Question: Honey discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs within the last century is still edible and unspoiled. True or false.

Day 4 Activity: Floating and sinking. Check out the attached document for instructions. 


Floating and sinking



 Day 5 Quiz question: What was the world’s first 3D printed meat product?

  1. Hamburger patty
  2. Chicken breast
  3. Ribeye steak
  4. Meat ball

Day 5 Activity: Five Serves of Science (See the attachment). There are a number of activities to choose from.


Five Serves of Science



Julie Cox

Science KLA Coordinator