Share the Dignity

Period poverty is something that affects people who menstruate all over the world, who lack sufficient and reliable access to period products due to financial constraints.  In Australia, many people are denied the right to period products due to poverty, homelessness and domestic violence. This issue has been exacerbated during COVID-19, with the jobs lost amongst the pandemic forcing families to choose between sanitary products and other necessities such as rent and food, leaving these people without access to essential period products.


Share the Dignity is an Australian charity for women, helping to distribute period products to those in need. Aiming to assist those experiencing poverty, domestic violence and homelessness, Share the Dignity provides essential items to people who menstruate throughout Australia.


Girton Community Action Group is supporting Share the Dignity by running a donation drive to fulfill the right of those who menstruate to have access to period products. Because access to Period products is a right not a privilege. From week 5, GCAG will be collecting period products using boxes located in Morey reception and the Naughton family building reception/careers area.


We would love it you are able to donate any of the following: Pads, tampons, period underwear, menstrual cups and any other suitable menstruation products!


Thank you for your support,


Sophie Mayes (10 Jones) and Ava Griffin (10 Aherne) ​on behalf of 

Girton Community Action Group