Have Your Say

A link to a parent satisfaction survey has been sent to all families and we look forward to your views on your experience as a Girton Grammar School parent or carer. 


The survey will close at midnight on Friday 27th August 2021, and survey results will be anonymous and treated as confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. This survey has been compiled and will be analysed by Independent Schools Victoria (ISV). 


The survey consists of ‘check box’ questions and should take between 5 and 15 minutes to complete. (Survey instructions suggest setting aside 20 minutes, but many parents will complete the survey in a much shorter time). 


The Research Unit of Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) will conduct and analyse survey results from each section of our school community. The LEAD School Effectiveness Surveys in which we are participating are benchmarked to help make an accurate and relevant assessment about school operations based on the experience of Girton students, parents, staff, and the Board compared to other independent Victorian schools. 


The parent satisfaction survey can be accessed here:  https://researchdepartment.limequery.com/477415?lang=en


Completion of this survey will help to meet reporting requirements on school satisfaction under the National Education Agreement and Schools Assistance Act 2008 and help guide an improvement agenda for the school. 


We look forward to your views.