Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Junior Sport Update

Unfortunately, today I must start off with further sad news regarding representative sport cancellations. NSW Primary Schools Sports Association (NSWPSSA) have announced that Primary Boys Touch Football has been cancelled for Term 4. No doubt, students who were chosen to play in this tournament will be disappointed. While you may not get to travel to play away games, be very proud of your achievement in being selected for the Combined Independent Schools (CIS) team. An outstanding achievement on its own. In addition to this, CIS have announced the cancellation of the Primary Boys Cricket Trials. This, again, will be upsetting news to many boys in the Junior School who had desired this opportunity. At times like this, I am often reminded of what a coach once told me (it has been said many times before, I am sure) “It’s not how many times you win that makes you a champion, it’s how you bounce back when you get knocked down, that counts!” 


I think we have all been knocked down at least a few times in the last two years. From what I have seen, we are all champions! I hope you all have a relaxing and restful term break. Hopefully, with a little time spent with family and possibly friends. 


Take care and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 4. Hopefully in the classroom!


John Locke

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular