From the Principal

Week 5 Term 3 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians

I hope everyone has had a great week.  Football finals are just around the corner!!!


Book Week

What a great way to start "Book Week" with our students dressed as their favourite book character.  It was wonderful to see the diverse range of characters.  A huge thank you also to the families who provided a video story.  The children thoroughly enjoyed seeing their family member reading.  One of the Prep children just about hugged the screen when they saw their dad reading the story!!!!!!!!

I think we found Wally
I think we found Wally






Leaving at the end of this year.

I ask that any parents who know that their child will be leaving St Bede's at the end of the year (other than Yr 6s)  to please let Chris in the office know by  Friday September 3rd. It is important that we know our exact numbers for our staff calculations. Thank you for your assistance.


Return to School

As you are aware there has been no announcement regarding the end to Lockdown 6.0. We are hoping that our students will be able to return to school on Friday  September 3rd. We are now waiting on the Premiers announcement next week.  Once the announcement is made I will provide you with further information.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these times.



This year’s Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys live window scheduled for Monday 30 August to Friday 17 September 2021 will now be postponed to October 2021.

Due to the significant interruptions posed to schools by the current COVID lockdown, and after careful consideration of several factors including extensive feedback from school communities, MACSSIS will be postponed to the period from Thursday 7 October to Thursday 28 October 2021.


Have a great week


