

'Online Cyberbullying Workshop'. 


by Sally Tran - Year 8 St Paul


On Tuesday 10th August, there was a workshop for the Year 8's based on the issue of “Cyberbullying”. Cyberbullying, like bullying, is used in ways to hurt people emotionally and psychologically and can take a toll on people’s mental health. In this workshop, Dom taught us exactly what we should do if we or someone else we knew was being cyberbullied. He walked us through various steps and used a real cyberbullying story to help us understand what could be done in these situations. He also taught us about the importance of helping the bullies as well, because we might not know what is going on at home or behind the scenes, and helping them can make them realise their choices and actions were mistakes.


Schools TV

SPECIAL REPORT: Instilling Hope In Uncertain Times

Although life is always filled with uncertainty, the levels we are currently experiencing are unprecedented and it is becoming evident that this is taking a toll on our young people. The most recent research from Mission Australia makes clear the breadth and depth the pandemic is having on our youth across the nation.


It appears that lockdowns and tighter restrictions will be with us for some time, but it is important in such times of uncertainty to instil hope and remain optimistic. Adult carers can play a vital role in helping young people reframe their worries, encouraging them to see life as it is and getting them to focus more on the things they can control, rather than those they can’t.


It’s important young people remain connected with their social networks during these times as often their natural response to uncertainty is to exhibit varying degrees of fear and anxiety. With the continued disruptions, mental health concerns are on the rise and it is evident that many students may need some extra support to achieve their goals. Parents can help their kids focus more on the good things in their life, rather than fill in the blanks with catastrophic narratives.


This Special Report outlines how adult carers can help instil hope and offer support in such times of uncertainty. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.


If this Special Report raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.


Here is the link to your special report https://killester.vic.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-instilling-hope-uncertain-times


Emma Neville and Peter Harte