Staying in touch and working at home

Facebook Page Updated
Larnook Public School's Facebook Page has been updated, thanks to Tracey, who works each Friday on Library and Office work. Tracey is also updating the website and we thank her for her efforts on both fronts.
All families will need to rejoin this new page. The link is live in the Newsletter at the bottom of the cover page or try this link here:
Learning at Home Packs Link
Please follow this link if you need to go to online learning - Week E.
Share Your Lockdown!
We would love to share more examples of what's happening at home in Lockdown Learning. Please share any photos or words with Wendy via phone or email or through the school email.
Woodwork with Myrtle
Myrtle is hard at work at home and we have the photos to prove it. The very cute Theodore, the guinea pig (I hope I spelt his name correctly, Myrtle), is the star of the show!
Here is the message Myrtle sent:
Hi mrs emerton rhis is my home project; my dad helped me make this wooden box from scratch-just a few planks of wood and i learnt hammering,sawing,clamping etc and it’s a lot harder than i thought dad made the latch and put on the hinges but i did everything else it has a coat of wood oil and wax. It was very hard.
The box is beautiful and looks to be well worth the effort. Well done Myrtle (and Dad!) (And Theodore).