School News & Information

Bag Found
A small handbag was found from the Art show last week. If you left one behind, please see Wendy or Tegan at the office.
This week Gosh's theme of the week was National Children's Week, the children learnt about what is National Children's Week and learnt that it celebrates the rights of the child/ children, talents and education.
The children participated in various activities which included:
- Making posters that represent what is important to them for example : family, friends, Gosh, School, the community, school, police, doctors etc. The children who made posters for me to display in Gosh were Zoe.R, Michala, Lily, Sofia and Abigail.
- Jensen , Annabelle, Zoe, Eliza, Evelyn, Elana, Milla, Jessica, Ishaan, Abigail, Peter, Madeline, Jaxon and Ethen all really loved participating in Making Salt Dough and their favourite part was putting food colouring into the dough to make it way more appealing and interesting to play with .
- Ryger ran a Mini Olympics activity outside where Millie, Luke, Jack and the majority of the children got really involved in the activity and they told me how much fun it was!!!
- Gemma ran a cooking activity where the children made their very own Pizza Wraps they were :William, Cody, Jacob, Lachlan, Jack, Aston. Ethen, Morgan and many many more children made some pizza wraps. Overall the children loved the Theme of the week and kept busy with various activities.
Here are some photos of what we got up to in Gosh.
A reminder the students must be wearing a hat at GOSH for Term 4. If you prefer your child to leave their hat in the classroom, please put a different hat in their bag to wear at GOSH.
Healthy Tracks Presentation
Join the Dads Of Galilee School Movember Team
We're raising awareness this November for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives.
If you would like to get involved please join the team, at the following link:
Considering growing a mo? Do it! More information at the following link:
Can't grow a mo? How about signing up to run or walk 60 kilometres over the month. More information at:
Get involved it can only strengthen the school community and camaraderie.