Education in Faith

Galilee Prayer Group
The Galilee Prayer Group meets every Friday morning at 8:15am until 8:35am. All members of the Galilee school community are welcome. The objective of this Prayer Group is to pray for any needs of the school, the well-being of the students, staff and families and the parishes of Sts Peter and Paul, St. Joseph’s and OLMC. You don't need any qualifications or experience to attend. We look forward to The Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group growing and flourishing.
Brotherhood of St Laurence 2019 Toy Appeal
Galilee is very pleased to be liaising with The Brotherhood of St Laurence in their 2020 Toy Appeal.
What is the Toy Appeal?
The Brotherhood of St Laurence Toy Shop Appeal is an initiative seeking to provide toys for families experiencing social or financial disadvantage.
What is the Toy Shop?
The Toy Shop is set up much like a regular toy shop might be. We set up a stall and parents are invited to pick out a donated gift that they can then give to their child. Providing the toys unwrapped, means the parents can choose a gift they know their child will love. The Toy Shop aims to help parents feel empowered and capable of providing something special for their children in what otherwise might be a stressful time.
How can you participate?
Donate new, unused toys suitable for ages 0–18 years.
Make sure to leave the toys unwrapped so that parents can choose the perfect gift for their children.
Please see the link below for guidelines about age appropriate toys:
We will set up the Toy Collection on Monday the 18th of November. Thanks in advance if you're able to donate.
Term 4 Masses
Term 4
9 December-Graduation Mass-Grade 6 -OLMC-6:00pm
13 December- End of Year/Christmas Mass- SJ and School Captains-Sts PP-9:00am
Confirmation Family Faith Night
The Confirmation Family Faith Night was a wonderful event for all those in attendance. The students with their parents learnt about the Sacrament of Confirmation. These are some of the students' reflections of the evening.
Abby: On Wednesday the 30th of October, Year six students and parents attended the Confirmation Family Faith Night. We started off the night with a prayer, welcoming everyone and inviting the Holy Spirit. We then talked about the sacraments and why they are important, especially Confirmation and Baptism. Next, we moved onto the Holy Spirit. We talked about who the Holy Spirit is and why He’s so important in all of our lives when we are making decisions. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to talk about this in preparation for my Confirmation.
Angus: On Wednesday the 30th of October about 15 students from Year Six turned up to the Confirmation Family Faith Night run by Mrs Rochecouste and Mrs Ferguson. We started with a discussion about what happens on the night and then about what the Holy Spirit means to us and how it showed itself to Jesus’ disciples in the action of a howling wind and tongues of fire at Pentecost.
With our parents, we then walked around the room with various activities to complete. Each of them was about the faith and about Jesus and what Confirmation meant to us. To me it means to be Confirmed into the Catholic Church and extend your relationship with God and Jesus to a higher peak in your life. We have to thank the Year Six teachers Miss Biggs and Mrs Ferguson for organising it and to Mrs Rochecouste for running and helping us understand more about our Catholic faith with Jesus and the sacrament of Confirmation for the Year Six candidates participating at either Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Middle Park (OLMC) or Sts Peter and Pauls in South Melbourne.
Emily: My top 3 favourite things I participated in at the Confirmation Family Faith Night were visiting the different stations. I enjoyed this because they were all different and interesting; although they all had a message behind for us to learn from so we can come closer to God as we are making our Confirmation. Another one was the learning. I found out what Confirmation meant to me and why it was so important. I also learnt more about the Trinity and it was very well explained to the parents and students. The Trinity is the same person but in all different figures. The other thing I enjoyed was the song at the end. Abby and I came up the front and copied Mrs. Rochecouste’s actions. I recommend it next year.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Please note the following dates:
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at Galilee-Thursday, November 21st 2:00 – 3:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation at OLMC-Friday, November 22nd: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation at StsPP-Sunday, November 24th: 10:00 – 11:00am.
The Sacrament of Confirmation at OLMC
Saturday November 9th - 4:30pm O'Connor Pilkington Rooms, followed by Mass 6:00pm
Saturday November 16th - 4:30pm O'Connor Pilkington Rooms, followed by Mass 6:00pm
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at OLMC-Thursday, November 21st,
4:00 – 5:00pm, O'Connor Pilkington Rooms.
The Sacrament of Confirmation at StsPP
Here is the link for registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation at Sts Peter and Paul's.
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at Galilee-Thursday, November 21st⋅2:00 – 3:00pm
Preparation morning/half day on Saturday 16th November.
Prayer for our Confirmation Candidates
Come Holy spirit,
be with our Confirmation candidates always.
Show them how to use Your seven gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Fortitude, Counsel, Piety and Fear of The Lord in ways to help their community, family and friends.
Allow them to faithfully follow you Jesus every day of their lives.
Help them to make wise and good decisions.
Comfort them in times of trouble.
Celebrate with them in times of joy.
Reveal your everlasting love to them,
so they may grow as your precious child,
becoming everything you destined them to be.
We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus,
Pedagogy of Encounter
In this newsletter let’s look at the fifth area - What do I think now and why? How am I called into commitment and action?
What do I think now and why?
How have I grown?
What influences my thinking? Why?
What further questions does this raise for me now?
What will I do differently now?
You might like to run through this Pedagogy of Encounter with your family pertaining to a family/community or world event in your lives
We have been looking at The Pedagogy of Encounter. This tool invites dialogue, deep thinking and engagement with the Catholic story. There are key questions in five areas that engage the voice of the learner in deep dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: ● What do I think and sense? ● What do others think and why? ● What does the Church teach and why? ● How am I called into deeper relationship with others and God? ● What do I think now and why?
In this newsletter let’s look at the fifth area - What do I think now and why? How am I called into commitment and action?
What do I think now and why? How have I grown? What influences my thinking? Why?
What further questions does this raise for me now? What will I do differently now?
You might like to run through this Pedagogy of Encounter with your family pertaining to a family/community or world event in your lives.
Acts 1:8
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
As our Confirmation candidates prepare to receive this sacrament, let us ask the Holy spirit to come upon us all at Galilee and renew us with his love, strength and power to go out into our families, school and wider community spreading the Good news of Jesus' love for us all through our words and actions. Be filled to overflow with the power of the Holy Spirit in your lives!
Helen Rochecouste